The following videos are Baltimore. As a child. A glimpse of who I was may give you a better sense of who I am. Or at least provide a cheap thrill... Made by
.. .. This video is worth your wait. It's definitely NOT me shirtless in Baltimore acting WAY too gangster. Certainly not. And you see them with their bandanas on? Who ARE these kids? We throw a dope show. Back then and even now... I was trying to figure out how to write captions beneath the vid so you could read what the hell we're talking about. But just assume its about blunts, being better than you, and, oh yeah, titties... (toascience & liquorbox: sonar's first rock show. one luv.).. I call this one 'Ghostface'... Muse-Sick, that's it. The playing of music, listening to music, mostly all the wild and eye-opening experiences in life for which music has played such a vital part. Find me the most @ home on a stage somewhere, overacting like a mutherfocker. I study music at Cal State Northridge, it's challengeing and entertaining and energizing and draining all at the same time. I love all my fam there, they were the first to welcome me to this crazy soCal way of life, and teach me more every day. More stuff: I was born in D.C. and I think that Baltimore, D.C. and Annapolis is a dope Bermuda triangle I will always love and try to understand; L.A. keeps us damn busy tho. ...a lot of other randomness--hit me up and I'll tell you more. Love to my fam-a-lam on the East Coast, I'll be back one day...ATTENTION: anything you've read above is hopelessly outdated. and i can muster only enough attention span to write this disclaimer about it. maybe i'll change it later. meanwhile, it was my birthday last week and i'ma go get tatted about it. (this too will be outdated and incorrect in no time...)