.. VIMBY - Marky.. VIMBY - Educated Consumers.. VIMBY - Wreckfest @ Tiffany's Music, hip hop, ska, reggae, dub, turntablism, DC Hardcore, punk, basically anyform of musical expression I'm down with. Photography and filming are also serious influences in my life, snowboarding, reading books/mags, people watching, going to concerts, talking shit to you and yours, goosin your girlfriends butt in a crowded bar, traveling anywhere there is a good time, roadtrippin, going to the record store. Girls and the smell they emit would also have to be an interest of mine, poking smot, drinking anything that alters your mindstate...and sleep...
YOU CAN GET IN TOUCH WITH ME @:[email protected]@gmail.c
omVIDEO ARCHIVE -http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6861116903055405743
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Basically if you can rock any musical instrument and can sing/rap/whatever, then chances are I own your cd, have enjoyed it greatly, and have been influenced by it....
Alfred Hitchcock, Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, Danny Boyle, David Dobkin, Brett Rattner, Francis Ford Coppola, Sergio Leone, Steven Soderbergh, Michael Bay, Pedro Almodovar, Darren Aronofsky, Michel Gondry, Stanley Kubrick, Gus Van Zant and Michael Mann
Most things on Adult Swim (none of the anime tho), anything animated that has been on FOX or Comedy Central, and anything else on tv that makes my face smile or cringe...
The Giver, Underboss, Red Mafiya, Wiseguy, Killing Pablo, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Redwall Series, A Brave New World, The Kid Stays in The Picture, EGO Trips Big Book of Rap Lists, Zodiac, ZODIAC: Discovered, Long Way Home, Taking the Red Pill, War of the Worlds, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Life of Pi, Lowlife, Monster, Iceberg Slim's PIMP...
My mom, brother, grandparents, and no one else that is living in this world...