Seannie Cameras profile picture

Seannie Cameras

Some aborignal tribes believe when one takes a picture of someone, a piece of their soul is stolen,

About Me

Born in The Metro...Went to school and grew up there...Went to University of Dayton...Graduated in 4 yrs...Got degree, but no job for long time...So, start own bizness Oct. '04...Me shoot photos and videos for big name artist(s)...Me go to lots of shows and out of town frequently...Contrary to popular belief, Im White...And a music video ho, peep below to see my Academy Award performance as banground dancer #132 and as token white guy in the Outlawz music video shoot in ATL...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Plannin' on for you to call back but then it never rings/ There were so many things, there were so many signs/ Now I'm growin' wings knowin' it's a waste of time/ Until my God reminds me of what I truly need/ I take a look behind just before your beauty leaves/ To get a glimpse of you hoping that you see me too/ And now we staring at two people that we never knew/ And probably never know, hoping I'll forever grow/ Into the one who finally gained the strength to let you go/ And change my ideas on what true love is/ I wipe my eyes clear, and rise above this... -The Procussions, "Miss January"

My Blog

Trip to London with Ill Bill, Necro, Dj Eclipse, & Slaine

Holy ass! I just flew back from London and boy are my arms tired!!! WHEW! Always wanted to use that in a sentence, since my youth and the many episodes of Looney Tunes I religiously watched that influ...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 00:06:00 GMT