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Composer/Musical Sound Design/Vocal Sound Effect/Multi-Instrumental/Engineer/Performer/Poet/Pretender/
Impersonation Dream Fiend/Solo Artist,
Richard Figoné
Aside from composing and recording as a solo artist, Rich is also a film composer and musical sound designer in the Los Angeles area, and has recently done sound designs for Paul Haslinger (composer); included in such projects as: the Sony Picture's release entitled Prom Night (April 2008), The Need For Speed (vid game), and Death Race (2008)...
Richard is also the composer, and sound designer for an indie entitled "Systolic," directed by Fabien Hameline, which has seen some small international distribution. This page is dedicated mainly to the aforementioned projects, as well as his concept-EP: "Taking A Picture Of A Picture Being Taken With A Picture In It Of That Picture Being Taken."
It is not yet decided how frequently this page will specifically see updates, as it is dependent upon composition for visual media and albums released under the name of Richard Figone. New characters/genres are currently in the works (whom will bear new myspace pages of their own as well as their own fictional names) for the sake of "keeping it conceptual," saving face, and disassembling boredom in a world of virtual musical monotony. However, that does not mean that you should not contact Richard here if you wish to tell him that you love him. Further projects and affiliations are welcome.
P.S. Rich does not normally talk in the third person.