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Save Mary

A New Genre

About Me

They met in a dimly lit bar in Italy in 1945. He was looking for something new. His name was Leo. Leo had melodies in his travel bag. Melodies that had once lived in a musical phenomenon called "Modern" in France some years before.
She didn't know what her name was, she didn't know if she had ever had one or if she had just merely forgotten it. She had been travelling in silence for nearly a hundred and three years when she met him. The bar was empty. A cold wind blew outside. "Dr. Five has been shot," she said to him looking at the empty glass of bourbon on the wooden table. He handed her a microphone. She cleared the spiderwebs from the corners of her mouth and there came the words that laid lazily on the notes..
He called her Mary. They went from bar to bar and Leo pulled melodies out of his bag, and stories came out of her mouth. One night Martin, another long time traveller told her to find a certain Steve Fitzmaurice in London. He said Steve turned songs into treasures. So to the Pierce Rooms they went. Steve worked and worked, he hammered away, he took the songs, cut them up, put them through machines, in and out and all about, the wheels on his chair smoking as Leo's hair stood straight upon his head.. Steve polished them in to a beauty.. Thank you Steve.
And thanks to all those that helped polish Save Mary: Cécile Bernardin (photos), Atelier Offard (wallpaper), Dom, Alexis, Karine Dior, the Bookman, and Pete Evans.
La rencontre se fit dans un bar mal éclairé à Bologne en 1945. Il cherchait quelquechose de nouveau. Il s'appelait Léo. Léo avait un sac de voyage rempli de mélodies. Des mélodies qui avaient vu le jour dans "Modern", en France.
Elle, elle ne savait pas comment elle s'appelait, elle ne savait pas si elle avait oublié son nom ou si elle n'en avait simplement jamais eu. Elle était sur la route depuis près de cent trois ans quand elle le rencontra. Le bar était vide, un vent froid soufflait dehors. "Dr. Five est mort, " elle dit les yeux fixés dans le vide, un verre de bourbon dans la main. Il lui donna un micro. Elle dégagea les toiles d'araignée des coins de sa bouche, et des mots en sortirent pour se poser, allègrement comme des notes bleues.. Il l'appela Mary.
Il voyagèrent ainsi de bar en bar pendant quatre ans. Un jour, Martin, un autre voyageur lui dit d'aller trouver un certain Steve Fitzmaurice, il transformait les chansons en trésors. Alors aux Pierce Rooms ils allèrent. Steve prit les chansons, les découpa, les façonna, les fit passer dans des machines, puis les polit et les fit briller.. Merci Steve.
Et merci à tous ceux qui ont aidé à polir Save Mary: Cécile Bernardin (photos), Atelier Offard (papier peint), Dom, Alexis, Karine Dior, the Bookman, et Pete Evans.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/2/2008
Band Members:

"Do you want to come and see, see my house and please don't tell
The piano is singing my songs, ghosts in the halls playing hide and seek
Light candles it's always night, in a tree Victoria's smiling at me
Room number seven

It's a love crime
Won't you cry...
Won't you cry...
Won't you?

I can come and set you free, don't be afraid, afraid of me
And would you like to feel the pain, it's a motion you can't refrain
A desire you cannot tame..
In a tree Victoria's smiling at me.. Room number seven

It's called a celebration, on your knees you look so good
It's called a celebration on your knees you look so good

In a tree Victoria's smiling at me, room number seven"


The trees are crying
The birds are drowning
The great old rocks are dying
Poets hanging from the trees
Their books have rusted away
Help me medicine man music is gone
It's locked up in a temple
The animals are captured
In a box like the Indians
This is the end of Time

Close your eyes and rememberhow it was
and sing a lulluby to your children
Who might just never see
Oh baby, baby...
How it all happenend
I'm not just quite sure
Our great machine
It has gone mad
Her arms grew in our rivers
Sucked all our water away
Oh baby look now there's a hole in the sky
The blue jay came and told me
It's Thursday night ten p.m.
In a frame like the Indians

Close your eyes and remember how it was
And sing a lulluby to your children
Who might just never see..
Oh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby we're sorry

Do you want me to show you that you're Alive?
Break out of the light
And come into the night
And just give into the pain
Come into my world
Floors squeek as the shadows twirl
Do you want me to show you that you're Alive?
Break out of the light
I'll change your life tonight
So breathe and just feed on me
Just give me your trust
I will fill your soul with lust

Record Label: Non signé
Type of Label: None