I like to Not Drive Anywhere. I also like to say Klaatu and Verata, but then NOT say Nicktu. I enjoy holding my finger over one end of a straw, so that when you take the straw out of your drink some of the drink will stay in the straw, and then squirting people. Also it is very fun to scrunch down the straw wrapper until it is all sccrrrunched down into a little thingy, and then when you do that thing with the end and you put some of your drink onto the straw wrapper it wriggles around like a little worm. Also it is fun to think about why the peices of the cereal stick together in the milk when theyre all floating all around in there. Glassblowing, photography, computer programming and website design, inventing and conducting mad crazy experiments in order to ascertain the exact meaning of the fabric of our existence, blowing up stuff (in a non-terroristic fashion, just in case Bill Gates, Ruprick Murdick or George Bush is reading this) eating sunflower seeds, drawing on the chalboard at work which nobody ever buys chalk for because they don't like what I'm going to put on there but they shouldn't care because it doesn't matter anyways they should just buy some more frigging chalk already goddammit, re-watching both ace ventura movies and wishing there were more of them, and ALSO, i forgot to say, that actually, I Like to have FUN. I forgot to put that until JUST NOW wow i cant believe i even left that part out before. Wow. Yeah, everybody, I like to have fun! Thats good, because a LOT of PEOPLE like to have fun, and this way everyone will know that I ALSO like to have fun, and that we have something in common! (that we like to have fun) Yay! Lets have some FUN!
teeM ot ekiL d'I
that one song those smurf creatures sing is really the best song, its so underrated, i just LOVE it.
No just kidding. Metal, techno, and Wierd Al, only. Ozzy rulez. Maiden kicks ass. Gwar, Ramstein, System Of A Down, Les Claypool, Primus, Rob Zombie, Pantera, Static X, Eiffel (i'm blue), NiN, Pennywise, Aquabats, Korn, older Metallica, My own loud crunchy guitar noises, Flamenco is awsome, Yngwie Malmsteen, Ratt, Ace of Base, Jack Black, NoFX, Cannibal Corpse, At the Gates, Immolation, Unleashed, Type-O, Tool, Orgy, D.M., Brittany Spears, Napalm Death, Obituary, Death. Sublime, Bob Marley, Steel Pulse, Smurfs, Raffi, and Black Sabbath. Also the Beetles, but not Elvis, and no 'Lame' Music. Korn.bush flip off
full metal jacket, ace ventura 1 and 2, Escape from LA, Office Space, Freddy Got Fingered, Grandmas Boy, Road Trip, Harold & Kumar's, Dr Strangelove, Cecil B Demeted, Beavis and Butthead the Movie, Southpark, Being John Malcovitch, License to Drive, March Of The Penguins, Mulholland Drive, The Lost Highway, American Pie, American Wedding, Dukes Of Hazard, BulletProof Monk, Van Wilders, National Lampoons, Bob the Butler, Spies Like Us, Waking Life, Lord of the Rings, Austin Powers Fasha, back to the future, karate kid, and Indianna Jones.
none i hate tv except for the following simpsons southpark seinfeld conan obrien dave chappel jay leno seventies show sometimes jon stewart other extremely funny things
science math physics java computer programming and molecular structures compounds, the necronomicon and things your primitive mind would know nothing about.
Myself, and also:
Steve Irwin, Albert Einstein, Kurt Godel, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, and Ash. Wait i almost forgot about Indianna Jones, Snake Plisskin, Georg Friedrich Berhard Riemann, Tony Hawk, Pythagoras, Theano, Hypatia, Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking, Subramaniam Chandrasekar, Harold, Kumar, Steve Stiffler, Jeff Spicoli, Animal Chin, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, Bill Atkinson, Lon Poole, James Gosling, Stephen Wolfram, Linus Torvalds, Bill Gates, Charles Babbage, Alan Turing, Doc, Bill, Ted, The Reaper, Leonardo Davinci, Wayne, Garth, Euclid, Bobert the Butler, the dudes that made google, Chris Rock, Weierstrass, Al Bundy, Mandelbrot, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Yoda, Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, Nikolai Tesla, Ben Franklin, Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, Arnold up until he became The Governator, and most of all, Professor John Frink.
It snowed in Capitola, California on March 11, 2006. So Ol' Notrog took advantage by waxing up the bottom of an old skateboard deck with a little