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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Jack Black on crack yall!!! And I'm sexy too so kiss my ass!

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

Are You A Love Monster?

MY RESULT: Frankenstein

Frankie is simplistic, child-like and inquisitive about his love life, completely unaware of his hostile side until you turn a blow torch on him – then he goes ape crazy. He roams the countryside longing to be loved, not understanding why so many run away from him. Yet when he connects with a true friend, he starts crying like a little girl.
You, the Frankie ego, are therefore kind, accommodating, and totally oblivious to your hidden, raging, shout-it-out-loud side. You're just plain adorable, and green too.

Take This Quiz!

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

How Will You Die?

MY RESULT: Devoured By Wolves

You’re not very cautious when it comes to unfamiliar places, and you tend to react fast rather than think things out. That’s why you’re gonna be wolf meat.
Studies have shown that you’re twice as likely to get hit by lightning than get attacked by wolves, so you’re a pretty lucky duck. When that pack of wolves starts hunting you down, try throwing rocks at them to ward them off. Don’t feed them anything or they might get aggressive when you run out of food. And don’t carry around any babies with you. Wolves love eating babies.

Take This Quiz!

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Sense of Humor?


Pasta!!! Armpits!!! Going carp fishing!!!! Are you laughing hysterically yet?
You’re an absolute goofball, which is something that people love about you. You know to find the funniness in just about everything. A very admirable skill, to be sure. Though we’re not totally confident you’d do very well on “Meet the Press.”

Take This Quiz!

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Addiction?

MY RESULT: Love Junkie

You’re a total sucker for anything that knows how to kiss. (As long as it’s cute.)
Of course, being a website called eSPINtheBottle, this is our very favorite addiction. Just remember to be cautious, have an expert nearby and always wash your hands when you’re done. Oh wait, those are the rules for petting strange animals. Well, you know what we mean.

Take This Quiz!

Your Star Wars Pickup Line
"I may look like an Ewok, but I'm all Wookie where it counts, baby." What's Your Star Wars Pickup Line?
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
Your Sketchiness Factor
You are 65% Sketchy How Sketchy Are You?
You Are Ernie
Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.
You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained
You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.
How you life your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you! The Sesame Street Personality Quiz
You are 80% Aquarius
How Aquarius Are You?
Your Bumper Sticker Should Be
Even if the voices aren't real - they've got some great ideas What Bumper Sticker Should Be On Your Car?
adopt your own virtual pet!

My Interests

Excrement from the primordeal abyss of Cthulu. Seven daggers of ancient trolls. A glass cylinder containing Alestier Crowley's adrenal gland. A bag of lemons and the staffs of the five wizards.


Devil makes 3, King Tuff and Feathers, Johnny Sketch and the Dirty notes, King Crimson, Bruce Haack, Mr Bungle, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Faith No More, Estradasphere, Goblin, Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, Arthur Brown, Genesis(Gabriel), Steve Hillage, Gong, Ween, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Lovage, Air, Queens of the stoneage, Tool, Zappa and the Mothers, T-Rex, Bowie, The Tubes....too much music for my tiny attention span.


A Clockwork Orange, Donnie Darko, Reqium for a dream, Hedwig and the angry inch, 200 Motels, Over the Edge


Adult Swim, Sifl and Ollie, Liquid Televsion, Electric Company & of course.....Sesame Street!.. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" .... .. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....


Disinformation guide to magick and the occult, Lord of the Rings, Imajica, Zacharia Sitchen


Frank Zappa, Brian Wilson, Mike Patton, Syd Barrett, Bruce Haack