SoundingBored profile picture


Dreams are the Cancer...

About Me

I never leave the house and the only thing that is redeeming about me in the least are the sad ramblings of regret that I churn out out of my new(yeah!) computing device.***************************************************** ************ ************************************************************ *********** ************************************************************ *********** If anyone out there would like to distrubute my songs in anyway(mix tapes, cds, vinyle, blog, more I can't think of) I most likely would be into it. Just float me a message. I also would love to collaberate with other artists(anykind/genre) long distance or local in LA. I'm up for most anything creative.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/7/2006
Band Website: You&39;re staring at it...
Band Members: Me, Myself and sometimes my lil'brother
Influences: Anything worth listening to.
Sounds Like: David Burn off his depression meds.
Type of Label: None