Michael profile picture


ich mag mermaiden und Blumen

About Me

Michael C Hsiung is characterized by: large mustache (one of the few remaining facially hairy Asians surviving today) with all of the species capable of reaching one ton or more in weight; herbivorous diet; and a thin yellow protective skin, 1.5-5 cm thick, formed from layers of collagen positioned in a lattice structure; and a relatively small brain for a mammal of his size (400-600g). . Michael is prized for its mustache, sometimes his art. Not a true mustache, it is made of thickly matted hair that grows from the skull without skeletal support. Michael has acute hearing and sense of smell, but poor eyesight over any distance. Michael will probably live to be about 50 years old or more.
In my work, I illustrate my own imaginative world, a place where creatures of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and lullabies, which are apart of our childhood and adult culture, interact - be it warring or not.
My work addresses gender roles/gender assignment given to mermen, the fragility of unicorn/panda dynamics, domestic violence between centaurs and unitaurs and the underlying threads of violence and danger that underpin all other-worldly societies.
These themes are often combined with humor commonly used by those in dysfunctional relationships. My drawings, primarily white and black, feature the color red and sometimes green because I have limited abilities to establish a dream-like surreal quality or suggest any notions of purity and safety that would unify any art. The titles provide clues to content and interpretation, but they are generally misleading.
Self Interview Questions & Answers
Q. Who wins the war-Unicorns or Pandas?
A. Well, the pandas are still here.
Q. What is a unitaur and why were they hunted?
A. The unitaurs were peaceful creatures who enjoyed nature and friendship. They grew horns like unicorns. The warish centaurs didn't like that they were different. They were all destroyed
Q. Why do you draw some many pictures of Hitler?
A. Because he looks like Charlie Chalpan
Q. Why does your art look like a retarded 8 year old did them?
A. In fact, you are correct. I have a retarded 8 year old boy living with me. I give him an oreo cookie everytime he draws me a picture.
Q. How did that guy lose his arms?
A. I'm not sure but look at all the things he can do.
Q. Why do all the animals in your drawings die?
A. Material weakness on my part.
Q. Why is it that I can find a mistake in every picture?
A. I have no depth perceptions; the same reason I can't drive well.
Q. What if I like your drawings?
A. Then you are probably one of the following:
a) A neo Nazi

b) severely suffering from head trauma
c) legally blind
Please contact me we have lots in common
This interview was conducted in my own brain to myself with no talking.

2008 Shows

January 2008, Spring of comic strips show and book Brussels
April 5th, 12x36 A Local Lens, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Seoul, Korea
April 26, 2008, Carmichael Gallery , Group Show featuring Andrew Pommier, Herakut, Irina Troitskaya, Karen Preston, Mel Kadel, Michael Hsiung, Parskid
May 10, 2008, Gallery Revisited , Internal Environments Group Show 2008, Los Angeles, CA

Freelance Projects

2008, LA Records Contributing Illustration
2008, Oxford American Magazine, Illustration
March 2008, The Henry Clay People, 7 inch, Working Part Time.
June 2007, Freelance Artist, Enjoi Skateboards, Pro Model Graphics.
June 2007, Animator/Artist, Bob Industries for Sprint “Dreams” Commercial directed by Jonathon Dayton and Valerie Faris
June 2007, Contributing Designs, Willis Clothing and ISM Magazine, Costa Mesa, CA
May 2007 Freelance Graphic Designer/Artist, Promotional T-Shirts for Jupiterimages.com, Pasadena, CA
March 2007 Freelance Graphic Artist, SAATCHI & SAATCHI - IDEAS COMPANY for Dr. Marten’s Defy FREEDM shoes, United Kingdom, for release in August 2008
March 2007 Illustrator, T-shirt, Poster, and Pins, for Division Day, Los Angeles, CA
February 2007 Freelance Illustrator, CD Cover for Davin Givhan, Los Angeles, CA
February 2007, Freelance Illustrator, CD Cover for Touch Committee, San Francisco, CA
2007 Illustration, Poster for The Happy Hollows, Los Angeles, CA
2007 Contributing Illustrator, Daytrotter.com, Chicago, IL
Check out my website at www.michaelchsiung.com to see more of my drawings (as if I were drawing with two left hands)...

My Interests

Magic, sea creatures, mythology, narwhals, olaus magnus, National Geographics, Grace Jones,Jacques Cousteau, trying to cook food, laughing, food fights, knee sliding, collecting old things, my stamp collection, my shark knife, your shark knife(if you have one), daydreaming, pretending, old books, atlases, talking and dancing Nancy Sinatra shoes..

I'd like to meet:

DM Needed

I am looking for a DM responsible to lead a glorious campaign. In collaboration with various modules, the DM should conduct his own research regarding the arcane and other worldy planes.; define personas, scenarios, and requirements; develop interaction frameworks for players; and see the design all the way through to detailed specifications. The DM is primarily responsible for all design, and for this reason, is also responsible for testing the adventure through scenarios, looking for inconsistencies, missing elements, and poorly articulated reasoning.Hexagonal mapping ability a plus. Dice will be provided. Neutral good preffered.


Moog, Black Sabbath, Kinks, the Who, Donovan, the Carpenters, Stevie Nicks, Olivia Newton John, ELO, Satyricon, Slayer, and the musical sounds of Antov Bulvacich.




Curious Creatures in Zoology by John Ashton Rise & Fall of the Third Reich A Gentle Madness Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire OED National Geographics romance novels The Great Sea-Serpent: An Historical and Critical Treatise by A. C. Oudemans Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus by Olaus Magnus Stiff by Mary Roach Daemonologie by King James I.London Labour and the London Poor by Henry Mayhewall Jacques Yves Costeau books.

Piers Anthony books, The Name of the Rose by Eco, The New York Trilogy, I am Robot, The Man in the High Castle by P. Dick, Dune by Frank Herbert, The Wreck of the Whaleship Essex, Sputnik Sweetheart, Dan Eldon Memoirs.


My Blog

12 artists all year long

12 artists and 1 author all year long - simultaneously.That's right - 12 artists, at the same time, all year long.New work exposed in 4 waves.First reception May 10th. 6pm to 10pm...
Posted by Michael on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:00:00 PST

Multinauts World Premiere

Come by and see the new series by the Makers of Dungeon Majesty.Multinauts!!   And check out Pearl and Michael Hsiung cameos.$7New Beverly Cinema 7165 West Beverly Blvd.Los Angeles, CA ...
Posted by Michael on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:32:00 PST


Come by and check out the show! See ya there...Carmichael Gallery of Contemporary Art presents Witnessed From Afar, a showcase of artwork by Andrew Pommier, Irina Troitskaya, Karen Preston, Ken Gardun...
Posted by Michael on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:56:00 PST

Super X-rated, XXX, Live opening Photos from 12 x 36 A Local Lens Show

Please consult an adult or guardian over 18 before reading. Thank you....
Posted by Michael on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 06:48:00 PST

Dr. Marten

I’ve officially got some images from Dr. Marten UK.  About year ago, I was contacted by Dr. Marten, who was interested in purchasing 2 drawings as designs from me:  Man wrestling the g...
Posted by Michael on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:44:00 PST

During a moment of mischance, the fisherman spears his best friend, sad yet possible.

The description of this drawing - man sitting sort of in a look over his shoulder way, sort of glum. Wearing socks, cut off shorts, a tank top, striped shirt and holding a whale harpoon. The animal ...
Posted by Michael on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 08:20:00 PST

12x36 - A Local Lens photo exhibit and reception APRIL 5TH

12x36 - A Local Lens photo exhibit and reception APRIL 5TH:: 12 x 36 :: A local lensPhoto Exhibit - Seoul, Philadelphia and Los Angeles - All on the same weekend.12X36, refers to the twelve selected a...
Posted by Michael on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:17:00 PST


Posted by Michael on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:25:00 PST

Pearls article and BIG PHOTO in Sunday LA Times

article and BIG PHOTO in Sunday LA Times There's a page article about the Disorderly Conduct show in the Arts & Music section of yesterday's Sunday's LA Times (Feb 10) with a color image ...
Posted by Michael on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:19:00 PST

Bruins Article Feb 5th

 An article written by John Guigayoma regarding online artists and galleries, such as Ashley Goldberg, William Deutsch, and me - Michael C. Hsiung.  It's successes,drawbacks and so forth.Cli...
Posted by Michael on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 10:48:00 PST