I care about and will vote to:
** Show We The People they should decide and rule
** Open hidden energy technologies
** Manufacture clean water powered vehicles
** Build more local organic farms and microbial farming
** Remove the illegal Federal Reserve and Federal income taxes
** Make our economy and cost of living work for us
** Enhance Montessori education and open research school programs
** Give healthier products, marketplaces, and farms and a cleaner more natural environment
** Simplify law to focus on safety
** Remove the low income housing quota "40B" and slow Westford's growth
**End wasteful $150,000 police details and replace them with a living wage and global unions
** End the drug war
** Restore the Constitution
** End the Iraq war and the war on terror
** Run a tighter military for those who don't want war
** Protect us from illegal eavesdropping
** Reopen investigations against the Federal Government
** Throw a civic party in Westford, Chelmsford, and Littleton regularly for a better and funner community! Yes. funner.
Will you play for us on January 12, 2009?
I admire truth very much, and justice is a friend of mine.
I'd like to meet Noam Chomsky. He is a professor at MIT reknowned for his anti-war stance and ideals of global freedom and advancement.
I'd like to meet David Rockefeller, billionaire felon, who wants to quietly topple the United States and promote globalist corporate law.
Ron Paul is the man who made 3rd party politics and Libertarianism popular in the American media eye.
John Kanzius and Stanley Meyer, two pioneers of modern vibrational science responsible for giving us alchemy and the water car. The good people of Aquagen and others studying molecule atomics at the University of Florida.
Ed & Elaine Brown are tax resisters from Plainsfield, New Hampshire who held off Federal Agents for months in their solar powered compound. I'd like to shake their hands, and read for them a copy of the 16th Amendment. Tom Cryer beat the IRS in Louisianna Federal Court. He is a modern hero.
Ben Franklin and George Washington, brave men who stood up for truth and justice and natural law when they had the power. I will too.
Political Videos
Video: US Supreme Court Stops 2000 Election Recount
Movie: Sybel Edmond, Agent Reich, and 9/11
Movie: CIA Torture Plane Crashes in Yucatan with 3.4 tons of Cocaine. The CIA makes $50 billion annually selling illegal drugs to Americans. I will introduce legislation to stop this.
Video: John Kennedy's Warning on Secret Societies
George W Bush and John F Kerry are both Skull and Bones members.
Bohemian Grove
The Bilderburg Group
Video: George Bush and John Kerry interviewed about Skull and Bones
Video: Jimmy Carter Speaks about AIPAC
Video: DWight D Eisenhower Warns America of the Military Industrial Complex: 1961
Movie: Dispatch
Video: Smedley Butler and the White House Coup of 1933
Video: Why we Fight
Video: Do not pay for this. Tom Cryer defeated the Federal Government in court and proved the income tax is still unConstitutional. I don't pay it either, and I ask you not to.
Video: Noam Chomsky speaks on Marijuana
Science Videos
Movie: MIT Engineer Jeff King Shows 9/11 Towers Demolished
Video: Saltwater Burns with John Kanzius' Methods
Self Stirring Mug:
Movie: Perepitea, reviewed by MIT and found to break laws of physics.
Movie: Aquagen Water Powered Car in Florida
Movie: AK-47 on Fire
Movie: 2X Fully Auto Glocks. These guns are out there. Have them too.
Video: Detecting Radiation under Power Lines
I recommend you get your news at these websites.
Jones Report
Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451
Remote Viewing
Who Really Runs the World
The Bible
Video: Fatboy Slim Bird of Prey
Dave Brubec: Take Five