Scott Horton profile picture

Scott Horton

Individualists Unite!

About Me

Hey, I'm Scott Horton. I'm the host of Antiwar Radio for KAOS Radio 92.7/95.9 FM in Austin, Texas and where I am also assistant editor. There are over 400 mp3 archives of my radio interviews of the best antiwar / anti-government guests at . I write at my blog Stress and I'm the founder and former owner of .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Others opposed to the warfare/welfare state.


Beasties, Public Enemy, Motorhead, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Sabbath, FEAR, Primus, Turbonegro, Circle Jerks, SLF, Clash, Social Distortion, Operation Ivy, Faction, Black Flag, Day-Glow Abortions, Bruisers, Cash, Poison Idea, Descendents, Knocked Out Stiffs, Brewtality, Crum Bums, Complete Control, Bulemics, Fearless Iranians from Hell, MDC, Metallica back before they sucked, Primus, the Pharcyde, Too Short, Goodie Mob, Wesley Willis, and I like most of the stuff on KAOS, but I don't know who it is most of the time...


The Search for Animal Chin, Streets of Fire, Hokus Pokus, Army of Darkness, Star Wars V, Spaceballs, Waco: The Rules of Engagement, V for Vendetta, Serenity, Hijacking Catastrophy, Gabriel Over the White House.


Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy, Daily Show, Firefly, Colbert Report, Southpark, C-SPAN, Frontline, Amy Goodman, Meet the Press.


Gabriel Kolko, James Bamford, Scott Ritter, Chalmers Johnson, Loretta Napoleoni, Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers, Seymore Hersh, Jim Bovard, Chris Hedges, Robert A. Pape, Greg Palast, Lysander Spooner, Lawrence M. Vance, Daniel Ellsberg, Jim Powell, Albert J. Nock, Garet Garrett, Thomas Fleming, Robert Stinnett, Robert Higgs, Chalmers Johnson, Andrew Bacevich, Leon Hadar, John T. Flynn


"Wilson's the doofus that gave the girl the Roofies, FDR is the jock that raped her in her sleep." - Anthony Gregory

My Blog

This is not my blog

This is my blog.
Posted by Scott Horton on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 10:19:00 PST