Murray Rothbard profile picture

Murray Rothbard

I am here for Networking

About Me

Although I can type eight pages an hour, I defer my biography to the delightful David Gordon:

My Interests

Libertarianism; Individualist Anarchism; Austrian Economics; Radical Subjectivism; Anarchists; Ham Sandwiches from Michaelangelo's; Classical music; Jazz; Cinema; Books of All Flavors

I'd like to meet:

Lao Tzu; Zhuangzi; the Spanish Scholastics; Richard Cantillon; John Hampden; John Locke; Richard Cobden; Edmund Burke; J.B. Say; Frederic Bastiat; Martin van Buren; Warren G. Harding; Thomas Jefferson; Lysander Spooner; Albert J. Nock; Carl Menger; Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk; H.L. Mencken; Tommy Lee Jones; Salma Hayek


Classical, but not much after Mozart; Jazz; Gershwin, especially "But Not for Me"; Handel's "Messiah" (Especially around Christmas time, always one of my favorites)


Red Dawn; The Fugitive; JFK; anything not foreign or pretentious (but I repeat myself)


Human Action; Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market (how it should be read); Principles of Economics; Prices and Production; America's Great Depression; Socialism; Theory of Money and Credit; A Mencken Chrestomothy; History of Money and Banking; An Austrian Critique on the History of Economic Thought; The Nock Reader; The Spooner Reader; The Laws; Economic Fallacies; Atlas Shrugged; 1984; Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature; Capital and Interest; Defending the Undefendable; The Tao te Ching; The Complete Aristotle; Why Macro Sucks (forthcoming)


Ludwig von Mises; Lao Tzu; Zhuangzi; the Spanish Scholastics; Richard Cantillon; John Hampden; John Locke; Edmund Burke; J.B. Say; Frederic Bastiat; Lysander Spooner; Albert J. Nock; Carl Menger; Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk; H.L. Mencken; Tommy Lee Jones; Ludwig Lachmann; Israel Kirzner; Frederic von Hayek; Salma Hayek; Hans Hermann Hoppe; Larry Flint