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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. -- Gandhi

About Me


Help To Save The Earth
@ GreenPeace

I am always learning, and loving every minute of it. Knowledge is our greatest strength in this world. I have also found that life holds more than just what we percieve... all you have to do is take a moment to realize it. I believe in the hands of fate, but I also believe in the strength of self-determination. I have many aspirations, goals, and dreams to fulfill. I am always striving to improve in all aspects of my life. Some of my interests include skiing, biking, traveling, writing, all areas of music, studying - theology, philosophy, astronomy, physics, biology, psychology, anthropology, history, embracing all of the arts - interior and graphic design, photography, film, theatre, literature... and much, much more.

My Interests

PHOTOGRAPHY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


AN AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHER whose brilliant work supports the conservation of these gentle beauties: The African Elephants --

One of my photographic heros, brilliance captured in classic black & white --

Another brilliant photographer --

I'd like to meet:

Autobiography: I am always learning, and loving every minute of it, for knowledge is our greatest strength in this world. I strive to grow into a better person every moment, to succeed in all that I do, and to appreciate life a little more each day. I have many aspirations to achieve within my lifetime. I believe in the hands of fate, but I also believe in the strength of self-determination. I am a lover of all things beautiful, compassionate of all things in need, and courageous in all feats set before me. I have a musical soul, an innovative mind, and a soft spoken heart. I am an artist, taking many forms. I am a writer, born to the ways of the written word.

She walks,

in the path of elegance,

upon a whisper of solemn soul.

Through fields of olive grove,

her eyes fall pale.

Haunted by dark,

near the shadow of a night owl

perched upon withered bark.


in the eve's moonlight,

she walks.

The mist of sky was falling dim and the soft flowing breeze was growing cold. The deafening silence surrounded her prudent thoughts in the wild serenity of deep echoing forest. It was in these natural moments that life became a little clearer, perhaps a little more understood. When your only company is an endless field of vibrant flowers and scattered rocks, with a towering pine held sturdy at your back, time becomes the essence by which you breathe instead of that by which you live. It is in these moments, these spiritually organic moments, that you meticulously search the land afore you as if to seek beyond that which your eyes alone will show you, to find the heart of the land beating in rhythm with your own. Childishly hoping to bear witness to nature's kinetic energy, allowing it to flow through your soul with a feeling of connected solitude in its swell of effervescent glow.

It is in these moments, sitting in complete silence, surrounded by the purity of life, that you eagerly await a point of recognition. And in this search for awareness, your thoughts search as intently as your eyes. Resounding in your mind are the images of scattered dreams, wishes and memories as you stare enduringly into the distance. In these moments, it is inevitable... you are trying to find something. In one of the most intimate and sacred places on earth, you are searching for answers. Even if you are not fully conscious of the questions to which you are seeking these answers for, still you are searching. For it is inevitable: to behold the very beauty in the heart of nature is to question the very facets of your existence. One cannot simply wander into the depths of the forest without attempting to find something greater than themselves, without hoping for something more than simple scenic satisfaction. You cannot walk amongst the strength in the forest without becoming hypnotized by the innate impulse to wonder, without thoroughly brooding over each hovering thought in your mind. This arena of life, this niche of nature that you choose to surround yourself with, becomes full of these moments. And it is in these moments that you seek to fill that hollow bone, that empty corner... that vacant place which calls ever so quietly within you.

This was the reason of why she had come. This was the reason of why she would always come.

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    Favorites...and a list.Favorite PhotographsA Road Trip To Boulder & The Riveting Lisa GerrardNo NamePop! Goes My HeartWhat difference does one truly make?The Crazy Life & Artistic ExpressionsPainted In SilenceUnder The Influence & A Little Kitty To LoveThe War of Strength Against VulnerabilityAdventures [on a bike] in prarie dog landThe Synchronicity of SadnessDay AgainMusingsTradition & TrepidationTrust & [Temptation]View All

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My Blog

Favorites...and a list.

Tonight, one of my friends at work asked me what my favorite scene from a movie was... and I was at a total loss. I am really bad at those "favorite" kinds of questions. You know, like what is your f...
Posted by Catherine on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 01:07:00 PST

Favorite Photographs

I've done quite a bit with the finished works from the photoshoot that I did last month with Lori-Ann, for her music project No Escape. You should all check out her stuff, she's an extremely...
Posted by Catherine on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:57:00 PST

A Road Trip To Boulder & The Riveting Lisa Gerrard

The lights dimmed into a faint yellow and orange hue that set the stage in an ominous fiery glow. Those left in the aisles quickly found their seats as the crowd began to clatter and cheer in exciteme...
Posted by Catherine on Sun, 20 May 2007 03:46:00 PST

No Name

My thoughts are dapper strings of a single pearl endured by the reverence of a spoiled heart. My words are trite, shadowed silhouettes, an ashen swan upon the nape of my neck. Drenched in a sadnes...
Posted by Catherine on Tue, 15 May 2007 09:21:00 PST

Pop! Goes My Heart

I just bought the movie Music & Lyrics, with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore today...and I just watched it twice, (in between writing my final paper for my english class) and I so LOVE this movie!! ...
Posted by Catherine on Wed, 09 May 2007 10:29:00 PST

What difference does one truly make?

One person can truly make a difference.  That is the mentality of those people who dare to dream larger than the ones set before them. That is the mindset of those who dare to stand tall against...
Posted by Catherine on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 12:24:00 PST

The Crazy Life & Artistic Expressions

Life has me on wheels lately. I just need to vent a bit. I have been so flippin' crazy-busy, doing so much...working two jobs, and trying to keep up with school. So many things are going on too... my ...
Posted by Catherine on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:51:00 PST

Painted In Silence

I cry with the sweep of thy stroke as fingers once dull, now find a rising light coated in rosemary shades by the faint of waking dawn. What sigh! To those who seek its fragrance, there, spread thin a...
Posted by Catherine on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:31:00 PST

Under The Influence & A Little Kitty To Love

An album to absolutely LOVE -- the self-titled debut from Under The Influence of Giants. I am officially obsessed with these guys! I just can not get enough!! So much fun to listen to! I even use the ...
Posted by Catherine on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 08:43:00 PST

The War of Strength Against Vulnerability

Strength. Independence. Determination. These things describe me. They are the dominant facets of my character, that which I strive to embrace on a daily basis. I am usually one of an iron fist, one wh...
Posted by Catherine on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:36:00 PST