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.. Hey my page is a little messed up right now but I really don't care right now because all of the things going on in my life. Myspace is a place to communicate with people and how my page looks should not matter. If you want to get to know me or know me and want to get to know me better, just feel free to say so. I do not post much information on my front page and this thing is frankly a mess, as Stephanie M******y said in a comment, it is difficult to read. Do not be afraid to poke fun at me, do not be afraid to make sarcastic remarks, do not be afraid to be politically incorrect, and do not assume that I will do anything more than let you know if I am offended. I frankly like when people poke fun and make me laugh at myself. As far as making sexual comments towards me, sexual advances or suggestions, well frankly that is sexual harassment and I don't have to take it. But I will take it, and I will probably enjoy it, and will frankly be flattered. It will give me a big head (not like that, well maybe like that) it depends, ha ha ha)Enter Text here fool
..Oh yeah! Click the skull, you know you want to!