The STARTS are as English as chips and curry sauce, M25 traffic jams, windbreaks on pebbly beaches, binge drinks before eleven, and summer holidays somewhere warmer.Thom Pounds (singer/guitarist), Paul Offord (singer/bassist), Rob West (lead guitarist) and Dan Dare (drums) have been together a year-and-a-half and are building-up a growing army of believers by playing passionate, maximum energy gigs across the country.The band take an artful approach to music and produce lyrics as smart as their shoes.The STARTS have already penned dozens of other songs that sit comfortably with anything by heroes Dury/Jankel, Tilbrook/Difford, Lennon/McCartney, Lane/Marriott, Jones/Strummer, Davies, and Townshend.They are four front men born to storm the charts and carry the torch for English rock and roll. Music is all they were made for. This is just the beginning.Contact: [email protected]
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