Welcome to VERY-eco.com , VERY's online edition of everything that’s ecological and ethical in VERY UP & CO and VERY publications.
Here we combine…
the ecological part of VERYstyleguide;
our VERY Heroes with links to the (eco) map;
VERYstylemap Ecological London (now in its second edition);
a new online VERY mag for everything eco and ethical.
… in short: check very-eco.com
for everything that’s eco, organic, ethical, free of unwanted chemicals, fairtrade – you name it! We look for companies, products services which stay true to their promises, and set out to the find you the stylish solutions, too!
Also, why don’t you have a look at our new VERY Forum … the VERY ECO Forum is the place for feedback and suggestions …
To date we have published two sets in the series of VERY Stylemaps:
VERYstylemap Ecological London
VERYstylemap Hyères
All maps are designed in collaborations with and hand drawn by fine artist and illustrator Manu Burghart; folded they measure 90mm x 140 mm - just a bit smaller than your copy of VERYstyleguide so that they fit smugly inside.!
Uscha Pohl & the VERY team