JayForce profile picture


Rest In Peace mom...Glennie "Niecie" Williams

About Me

Jayforce was born in Philly & grew up in the Philadelphia & New Jersey area. A former highschool & college football star & co-captain, Jayforce got an early start in his radio career back in 1990. This popular on-air personality/dj has been residing in Atlanta since 1996 where he continues to represent over the airwaves. A 17 year hip hop radio veteran, Jayforce is the current host of "The Beatz & Lyrics Show" which airs on WRFG Atlanta on Saturday nights from 10pm-1am EST. He is also the host & producer of "The Beatz & Lyrics Television Show" which also airs on Atlanta cable television stations. The video show has featured not only talented artists based in Atlanta & the U.S., but through the show he has traveled & covered the hip hop scenes in such locales as Japan, Paris, London, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Brazil, The Phillippines, Czech Republic, The Caribbean, & many others. In addition to the radio & television outlets, his "Street Radio" Mixtape series provides another outlet for him to break signed & unsigned artists all over the world.True to representing every aspect of hip hop culture, Jayforce is also the host of many events throughout Atlanta including the hugely popular "Art, Beats, & Lyrics" exhibit that takes place a few times a year. Check out www.ArtBeatslyrics.com. The exhibition, which has plans to expand throughout the U.S. & the world, focuses on hip hop in its four primary elements & highlights the urban art form expressed via urban paintings, photography, & grafitti art mixed with break dancing, DJ'ing, & live music.Jayforce is also the host of the "Classic Example" show alongside DJ Rastaroot on XM Satellite Radio Channel 65 The Rhyme! The show can be heard every Friday Night from 11pm-12midnight EST.Worldwide connected & locally respected, Jayforce is a definitely a "Force" in hip hop culture!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/31/2005
Influences: Walter Payton, Richard Pryor, Martin Luther King, Jr, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Georgie Woods, Frankie Crocker, Jim Brown, Bruce Lee, Howard Stern, Spike Lee, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Maher, Ed Bradley, etc etc etc.....Mostly anyone who is not only good at what they do, but stand for something! Usually the neighborhood underdog! The world needs followers....I'm not one of them.
Sounds Like:Jayforce's Hip Hop Video Picks Of The Month!
Record Label: www.youtube.com/beatzandlyrics
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Beatz & Lyrics Show Hip Hop Awards 2007

The Beatz & Lyrics Show's Top 20 Hip Hop Albums 20071. Kanye West ---Graduation 2. Common ---Finding Forever 3. Ghostface ---Big Doe Rehab 4. Redman ---Red Gone Wild 5. Sean Price ---Jesus Price Super...
Posted by JayForce on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 03:47:00 PST

The Beatz & Lyrics Show Top Hip Hop Albums Of 2007 (Criteria for our Picks)

On January 5th, 2008 we aired the Beatz & Lyrics Show Best of 2007 Hip Hop Awards. Of course these were our picks for the best hip hop albums, singles, producers, & other "BEST OF'S" 2007.One of the...
Posted by JayForce on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 03:05:00 PST

If you say

If you say "Real Talk" I probably won't trust ya"- Andre 3000 of OutkastI was listening to a rebroadcast of DJ KaySlay's Sirius Satelliteradio show on Sunday night after flying back to Atlanta from th...
Posted by JayForce on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:48:00 PST

My name is Jayforce.......and I'm an Aries!

(Singing) "Float....Float onnnnnnnnnnnn! Float on Float onnnnnnnnnnn....(In a Deep Sexy Voice) "My name is Jayforce....and I'm an Aries!" LOL!!!It's my birthday!!! March 30th is the greatest day ...
Posted by JayForce on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 01:54:00 PST


Posted by JayForce on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 06:33:00 PST

Puerto Rico!!! Hooooooo! A Puerto Rico!!! Hooooooo!!

Wasup Y'all?I'm back from NYC for an extended weekend of visiting family, friends, & participating in the Puerto Rican Day Parade in NYC! Plenty of beautiful Butter pecan mami's all over the place! I...
Posted by JayForce on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:06:00 PST

The Beatz & Lyrics Show with Jayforce (Listen to Past shows)

The Beatz & Lyrics Show with JayforceListen Here: http://beatzandlyrics.podOmatic.comHelp me spread the word: http://www.podOmatic.com/podcast/tell/beatzandlyricsThe Beatz & Lyrics S...
Posted by JayForce on Tue, 16 May 2006 06:19:00 PST

New Mixtape!! "Klutch: Street Heat"

Waddup Y'all?I just recently dropped a new mixtape a few weeks ago for a new urban motorcycle magazine called "Klutch". The debut issue of the magazine is set to drop around June 2006 along with a 20...
Posted by JayForce on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 04:08:00 PST

The Radio Show's New Time & other crazy shit!

Wasup Y'all?The Beatz & Lyrics Show (Jayforce Edition) has been on WRFG 89.3 FM Atlanta from 9pm-1am EST for a minute now, but the station has been recently making changes & has changed our time now t...
Posted by JayForce on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 01:23:00 PST

Rest In Peace J Dilla!

I was out in Germany while touring a few European countries when I received a message on my 2way stating that JayDee of the group Slum Village had died. JayDee aka JDilla has a long resume of quality...
Posted by JayForce on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 12:11:00 PST