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Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex

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Let’s accept it as fact…. music’s greatest duos have been delivered courtesy of hip-hop. Each one of these duos has been a case of chemistry. Take legends like Eric B. & Rakim, EPMD, OutKast, Black Star or even Black Sheep. No one can deny the supernatural effect of two like minds, mics, turntables and personalities blending at the perfect moment. That paranormal science has shaped peak moments in music’s history. Balance is an essential component of any great chemical equation, whether it be life, nature or music. A healthy heap of friendly competition, mutual respect and a vital element of hunger... that very formula can yield magic. Think a minute about the duality of Ghostface and Raekwon, Black Thought and Malik B., or Q-Tip and Phife. They might all go down in history as shining examples of what can happen when chemistry and balance take center stage. As you read this, a new day has arrived for the duo. It’s evolving into an entirely new being, where the days of “you-do-this-and-I-do-that” Old World chemistry is dying. Now the blend is becoming more organic. Imagine giving each member of the aforementioned pairs the gift to both make beats that are universal and innovative. Now, give them both veteran status on the turntables, a knack for playing instruments and a confident swagger on the mic. Finally, mix in the x-factor of them both being raised atop the red clay of the South, and you have an unprecedented concoction. What you have are two young gentlemen with an album called ABBRACADAMN!!!, a charmed answer to the question “where can underground hip-hop possibly go next?” The gentlemen are AmDex and DT, and it is our esteemed pleasure to introduce you to music’s next great duo, Clan Destined.
Some words one could use to describe the meeting of musicians AmDex and DT might be ‘fate’, ‘yin and yang’, or ‘synchronicity’ - but ‘destined’ is the best fit. Both have strong roots in North Carolina, and DT has no qualms shedding light on his small-town upbringing. The 22-year-old describes Hickory, NC as a place with nice neighborhoods, pleasant parks and decent schools, but definitely a city racked by the crack epidemic and poverty. The two scenes are never far apart, and he did his time in both, gaining a sense of perspective at an early age. After discovering his gift for fierce rhyming during a New Year’s Eve party at 12 years old, DT eventually started DJing. The road eventually lead him to Morehouse College in Atlanta, where he would not only learn the particulars of the Black bourgeoisie and murder just about everyone on the battle circuit, but run into his future crew-mates, AmDex and Felix of The VJC. AmDex paints a mirroring image of his neighboring hometown of Raleigh, a bustling yet segregated city in the Research Triangle of North Carolina. Searching for something better, his mother moved to Atlanta and worked hard to give him wider perspective and better options. Young “Dex” started playing with rap when he was about seven years old and DJing when he was 16, right around the time he met DJ X-Ro, founder of The VJC, an offspring of the celebrated Project Blowed. Before long, DT and Dex met on the AUC strip and started sharing ideas on music, DJing, beat-sampling techniques and rhymes.
That conversation has evolved into Clan Destined (or, Clan D for short), a funk-fest of rolling, rumbling, revolving, relentlessly soulful beats with an electronic sensibility. The vibes can range from loungey and chilled-out to all out trunk-rattle. You might catch Dex singing on a chorus on “Read The Signs”, or both of them scratching in their own vocals over live keys in “The Language”. The Yin and Yang aspect holds strong, with DT being the more outspoken on the mic. You get the feeling he’s just a raw channel of verbal energy in a constant state of explosion, while AmDex weaves a cool, thoughtful spell that’s never short on a clever word. The youngest members of The VJC are poised to make their debut excursion with their album ABBRACADAMN!!!, set for a January 16, 2007 release on Domination Records/VJC Recordings. With an arsenal of visionary beat-craft and an uncanny physics at their fingertips, Clan D is on the brink of giving Atlanta yet another claim to one of the landmark pair-offs of this generation and raising the bar for the hip-hop duo. From now on, alchemy must be part of the equation.
for more information contact [email protected]
Keep your ears and eyes here for exclusive updates, remixes, DJ mixes, and all other things fly and destined to be.
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Member Since: 8/14/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: DT, AmDex, BI, Shaquil Rashad, Daru Jones, DJ Bill Steady, Tim, Osama, C-Sharp, Zero Basement, Javon Green, VJC. YEAH!!!

check it!!! the FREEZE video (courtesy of JettaVison)!!!***this song is featured on the first ever music sampler CD***

Influences: RUN DMC, Black Star, EPMD, Beatnuts, OutKast, Tribe, Slum V, Goodie MoB, Gang Starr, Freestyle Fellowship, Wu-Tang, The Roots, Radiohead, Moog music, dollar bins, Pete Rock and CL, DITC, Organized Noize, PS2, Arizona green tea, that cure, exclusive beers, and all the artists we sample, and many more...

Sounds Like: .. width="425" height="350" ..
ABBRACADAMN!!! release party at Lenny's, Clanuary 16th 2007

Clan D at Murphy's, Boone NC, Clanuary 27, 2007

Clan Destined "ABBRACADAMN" reviewed by Clan Destined - ABBRACADAMN!! -by Louise

Abbracadamn is poetry from the very introduction. Clan Destined have created a smooth, listenable sound, with a definite Old Skool recipe. Several tracks recall the styles of contemporaries, ranging from Dilated Peoples in 'Understand' (4), through to Malik Yusef in 'The Language' (13), via John Forte (6), Outkast (9) and Slum V (11). There's even a bit of a West Coast feel to 'Yo Likfe' (8)! This is a CD that caters to every mood, with chillout tracks ('Freeze', 'Set Your Soul Free',), humorous tracks ('The Monkey'), thought-provoking tracks ('Get Your Mind Right'), and tracks to cruise to ('Bigger Fish'). The lyrics have an openness and honesty about them, with that same realness that is the trademark of the Hip Hop we used to know and love. Take 'Get Your Mind Right' and 'Never Always' for example; full of deep discussion, life lessons and social comment. These guys rap from the heart, not the wallet. And this is especially refreshing considering the group hail from ATL, the hub of the Crunk Movement. Clan D have successfully looked outside of the box and produced an album with an appreciation for the genre as an art form that is rarely to be found these days.Is Hip Hop dead? Hell no. (4 bars out of 5)

TAKE IT TO THE TOP!!!! (1/29/07)

Frank 151 says we sound like:

UP Magazine says 8/ the review here!!


Platform 8470 says "phat" (7.5-8.5/10) the review here!! says " are sure to become almost instant fans. Their skills are plastered all over the CD, and add an interesting touch that is sure to make you play tracks like "The Language" over and over again."-Adam Thomas says "Clan Destined are like the Batman Utility Belt or Swiss Army knife of hip hop – in as much as they’re multi-functional in a compact package. The duo, the cleverly named DJ AmbiDextrous aka AmDex & DT (who hail from Atlanta & Hickory, North Carolina respectively) collaborate in equal measure as MCs, DJs, producers & musicians. Harsher critics might say, ‘it’s not a good thing to try and be all things to all people’. I’d say that multi-tasking is no mean feat, particularly when it’s done adroitly, as these guys show they’re capable of." -Vie Marshall says "The Atlanta spawned duo of AmDex and DT that are Clan Destined come with a surprising authority on their debut album that stylistically touches an ATLien-era Outkast while also owing a great deal to the Labcabincalifornia-era flows and smooth Hip-Hop of The Pharcyde. With equal sharing of turntable, production and microphone duties Clan Destined have created an album that channels their personalities in equal measure while also allowing space for space for their VJC crew to shine on the Hieroglyphics-style posse cut, 'We Stay.' Swerving away from pimpalicious gangsterisms Clan Destined's soulful maturity allows their debut to shine through the music and the lyrics such as on the funkafied 'Set Your Soul Free.' As the 15 tracks progess Clan Destined effortlessly draw you into their mellow styles and will have feet tapping and heads bobbing before you realise that you have be caught up in their addicitive web. Genuinely accomplished, 'Abbracadamn!!!' is a testament to Clan Destined's chemistry, showing a true promise that is sure to have fans fiending for more." DJ Slim ('preciate it mayne) says "AmDex and DT are two multi-talented mc/producers/deejays that make up the Atlanta based Clan Destined. Intellectual lyrics and some very experimental production, including a song in which they are scratching thier own vocals as they trade verses. Sometimes you need to be inspired by the old school to create something new...and Abbracadamn does just that." (available for purchase here )
Record Label: VJC/Domination/Rawkus
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Clan D on American Eagle’s website

check it out!
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:19:00 PST posts "Older and Wiser"

check us out at where we've been featured in their music section.  they are promoting the track "Older and Wiser" featuring the homie Laws, available for streaming and download at AmD...
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:33:00 PST

Miami love!

So we out here with the HBO crew, seeing the sites, getting some good food, and walking around on nude beaches.  It's beautiful out here.  I really CAN wait to go back to ATL, especially sin...
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 08:36:00 PST

El Bar Listening Party recap

What a night!  Big thank yous go out to everyone who came out and supported.  It was a peaceful night, full of music, drinks, chicken wings, and hummus.  Shouts go out to the whole staf...
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 10:32:00 PST

new Rawkus project,etc...

    hello all Destined Heads, we just want to give you an ultra low-key update on what's goin on with us in the immediate future.  we have an online downloadable EP coming through ...
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:31:00 PST

new interview with album stream

peace!!check out our interview by the homie Brolin at  you can also stream ABBRACADAMN!!! straight through, so have a listen to see what the hype is all about.
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 02:08:00 PST

see what DJs are saying about Clan D pt.2

our first official single "Plan B" b/w "The Language" has been on the charts for about 7 weeks.  it's now #1 across the country and beyond as far as college and community radio is concerned...
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 06:14:00 PST

Clan D in Scratch Magazine

in the new issue with Nas, The Game, and Will.I.Am on the cover, you can find a decent ABBRACADAMN!!! review.  why do I say "decent"?  well, we're not hating, just being critical as well.&nb...
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 06:51:00 PST

"Where can I buy ABBRACADAMN!!!?"

If you'd like to purchase your copy of ABBRACADAMN!!!, visit our distributor and partner label site, or hit the VJC store and click the "albums" tab on the left.  Other site...
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:23:00 PST

vote for Clan D in URB's Next 100

peace,    if you're feeling our music and have the premonition that we'll be getting bigger and bigger, please feel free to share that thought with the fine folks at URB magazine. ...
Posted by Clan Destined starring DT and AmDex on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:35:00 PST