Modeling, Acting, Living, Learning, Feeling, Reading, Drawing, Eating good food... Creation, Transformation, Ascension...
All the special people who are about connecting, building, and living long and healthy. My people.
Whatever my mood calls for at any given time.
Nightwatch, Butterfly Effect, Kill Bill 1, Matrix(1,2,3),Underworld 1&2, Aeon Flux, Ong-Bak, Minority Report, Equilibrium, X-Men2, Lord of the Rings(1,2,3), Constantine, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Shark Boy and Lava Girl, Spy Kid's 2, Batman Begins, Hero, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Incredibles, The Day After Tomorrow, Identity, Polar Express, Kung Fu Hustle, Superstar, 13 Going on 30, City of God, Rabbit Proof Fences, The Hours, Warrior, The Last Dragon, Spanglish, Chocolat, Series of Unfortunate Events, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Sisters, Fearless,
Avatar, Justice League, 24, Entourage, Boondocks, America's Next Top Model, Smallville, Law and Order, Charmed, Roswell, X-Files, Big Love, Heroes
Women Who Run With Wolves, Wildseed, Mind of My Mind, Pattern Master, Lilith's Brood, Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, Celestine Prophecy, Mutant Messages Down Under, Of Water and the Spirit, Voices of the First Day, The Chemistry of Man, Unknown Man, The Alchemist, Beggars in Spain, Dune, Fledgling...Octavia Butler (RIP) Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Parable of the Sower, Children of the Mind...
Jakita Wagner, Promethea, The Phoenix, Storm, Black Panther, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Scarlet Witch, The Global Frequency.... THE CHOSEN all know who you are. Aanaa