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38TH Governor of California
Arnold Schwarzenegger was sworn in as the 38th Governor of California on November 17, 2003. His landslide election as the states chief executive follows a distinguished career in business and entertainment.
Governor Schwarzeneggers top priority is fulfilling his mandate from Californians to bring jobs back to the state and restore its prosperity. Upon taking office, he inherited an unprecedented fiscal crisis. He averted bankruptcy with measures that refinanced old debt and required the state to live within its means without raising taxes. Schwarzeneggers workers compensation reform package repaired a system that had the highest costs in the nation and his Indian Gaming Compacts secured Californias fair share of billions of dollars in revenue. In 2004, he signed legislation to prevent "shakedown" lawsuits which were driving jobs and businesses out of California and blocking its path to recovery.
Governor Schwarzeneggers firm belief that economic prosperity and environmental health go hand in hand was evident during his first year in office. His Oceans Action Plan will set a national standard for the management of ocean and coastal resources. He created Californias Hydrogen Highway by Executive Order to support the transition to a clean hydrogen transportation economy. The Governor also signed historic legislation creating the 25-million acre Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Californias largest.
Throughout his career, he has had a strong commitment to children. Before becoming governor, Schwarzenegger founded the Inner City Games Foundation and pushed for more funding for after school programs. He championed the After School Education and Safety Act of 2002 (Proposition 49), overwhelmingly approved by voters. As governor, he is taking action to give Californias children the quality education and opportunities they deserve. His settlement of the landmark Williams vs. California lawsuit contained reforms that ensure qualified teachers for every student and clean and safe school facilities with up-to-date textbooks. He has increased per pupil spending and education funding and worked hard to give local schools the power to meet the specific needs of their own communities.
Governor Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver have four children - Katherine, Christina, Patrick and Christopher.


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has a strong record of accomplishment.

In the two years since Governor Schwarzenegger was elected, Californias economy has grown, the state budget deficit has been slashed, taxes have been cut and more than 500,000 jobs have been created.

Governor Schwarzenegger has invested more in public schools than any other time in state history. He has spearheaded pioneering transportation projects including the Hydrogen Highway. He has overhauled parts of the states superfluous and inefficient government. He has brought to California billions of dollars of federal money.

But thats just the beginning. The Governor plans to build on that record, and has laid out a bold vision for Californias future. Together with voters, he will tackle the big issues facing the state.


Under Governor Schwarzeneggers leadership, public schools receive more state money than any other time in Californias history. The Governor is investing in Californias students our leaders of tomorrow.

His accomplishments include:

    California now invests more than $10,000 each year per pupil the highest funding ever in state history. Governor Schwarzenegger has increased that number both years he has been in office.
    Over the past two years, the Governor delivered more than $2.6 billion to schools for construction projects building that will lead to 7,539 new classrooms for 188,341 students.
    Governor Schwarzenegger continued to promote the well-being of the youngest Californians by banning sugary soft drinks and offering more fruits and vegetables in school cafeterias, and by consistently advocating after-school and physical fitness programs.
    Training for much-needed nurses was expanded with a $124 million boost from the Governor.
    The Governor protected community college fees from being increased to keep them the lowest in the nation.


The governors trailblazing accomplishments in the states transportation infrastructure include:

    Governor Schwarzenegger won additional money for California from Washington D.C., increasing the amount of federal money spent on the states transportation projects by 30 percent.
    Overall, transportation funding increased by 11 percent under Governor Schwarzeneggers watch.
    Proposition 42 was fully funded in the Governors budget.
    The Governor signed legislation allowing hybrid vehicles to travel in high-occupancy vehicle lanes.
    The Governor helped create a Hydrogen Highway by providing $6.5 million in funding for hydrogen fueling stations.
    He took the lead in negotiations to clear up a 15-year logjam on construction of a new Bay Bridge.


Governor Schwarzeneggers accomplishments providing healthcare to Californians include:

    The Governor signed landmark legislation to combat childhood obesity to ensure California's children have access to nutritious foods in their school cafeteria and to ban the sale of soda on campuses.
    The Governor hosted the first-of-its-kind Governors Summit on Health, Nutrition and Obesity in 2005, bringing together members of the public health, education, business and government communities to tackle the obesity epidemic in California. This summit resulted in firm commitments from participants to help improve the health and fitness of Californians.
    Governor Schwarzenegger expanded the Healthy Families program to include 126,000 uninsured children to ensure they have adequate health coverage.
    Governor Schwarzenegger commissioned his Council on Physical Fitness and Sports to encourage Californians to live a healthy lifestyle. He has challenged Californians to take a four-week fitness challenge to get on the path to living an active life.
    The Governor expanded much-needed nurse training by committing $124 million to programs.
    The Governors budget protected healthcare eligibility requirements, thereby increasing healthcare spending by $1 billion.
    The Governor gave $23 million to counties to help them care for the uninsured members of their communities.
    Governor Schwarzenegger expanded local community health grants to tackle the increasing problem of childhood asthma.


Governor Schwarzenegger has encouraged homeownership and made housing more accessible to low- and moderate-income families over the past two years:

    The Governor increased funding by 19 percent to the Homebuyers Downpayment Assistance Program, giving loans to an additional 4,398 low- and moderate-income California families.
    Within his ambitious Initiative to End Chronic Homelessness, the Governor expedited funds that are going toward 66,000 more affordable homes and 9,000 shelter spaces.
    He helped military veterans buy homes by relaxing the Fannie Mae requirements within the states CalVet program.

Good Government

Since taking office two years ago, Governor Schwarzenegger has successfully streamlined state government so that it is more efficient, more cost effective, and more responsible to the people of California. He also has sought to empower local governments:

    The Governor eliminated 11 superfluous boards and commissions.
    He leveraged the states massive buying power to quickly save the state $150 million over three years.
    Under the Governors leadership, wait times in lines at the Department of Motor Vehicles dropped from an average 1 hour to just 21 minutes.
    Governor Schwarzenegger kept his promise to cities and counties by repaying $1.2 billion in vehicle licensing fees a year ahead of schedule.
    He created the San Joaquin Valley Partnership, a collaborative effort between the state and local governments to address regional problems such as unemployment, education, and air quality.
    The Governor committed state money to help local governments in their times of need helping defray the costs of the 2003 San Diego wildfires, the San Joaquin Delta levee break in 2004, and severe southern California rainstorms last year.
    The Governor provided an addition $12 million dollars for mosquito control to stave off West Nile Virus in hard-hit areas.

Federal Funding

Governor Schwarzenegger has consistently worked to increase Californias share of federal money:

    The Governor brought home $28.22 billion in transportation funding through 2010.
    He won $18.4 billion for the safety net hospital system, providing care for Medi-Cal beneficiaries and the uninsured.
    Governor Schwarzenegger won $395 million worth of continued federal support for the important CALFED water program.
    Even before Hurricane Katrina illustrated the devastation caused by failed levees, Governor Schwarzenegger secured $40.9 million for levee and flood-control work.


Californias economy has been vibrant under Governor Schwarzeneggers leadership:

    The state saw the creation of more than 500,000 new jobs.
    Governor Schwarzenegger protected Californias military bases from closure, preserving regional economies.
    The Governor enacted legislation to protect farm workers from extreme heat conditions.

Promoting California

Governor Schwarzenegger loves the state of California, and has worked hard to promote the state and its resources.

    The Governor restored $7.3 million in tourism funding.
    In 2004, tourism increased by 7.4 percent over the previous year which translates to an additional $82.5 billion pumped into the state.


Governor Schwarzenegger has worked to cleanse the air that Californians breathe:

    The Governor signed an Executive Order setting goals to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    The Governors Breathe Easier campaign has led to more than 7,745 cars being taken off the road the equivalent of keeping 364 tons of air pollutants from being emitted into the air each year.
    Governor Schwarzenegger invested more than $165 million to get gross polluters off of California roads.


Before Governor Schwarzenegger came to Sacramento, brownouts and rolling blackouts were the norm in California. Two years later, the energy crisis is not an urgent daily concern for Californians:

    Since Governor Schwarzenegger took office, new energy generation has expanded by 2,834 megawatts. Thats enough power for 3 million homes. In 2006, another 1,765 megawatts or enough energy for 2 million homes is expected.
    The Governors One Million Solar Roof initiative promotes the clean energy of the sun.
    Governor Schwarzenegger negotiated $3 billion in refunds from energy companies, related to the energy crisis.


Keeping Californians safe is Governor Schwarzeneggers ..1 priority:

    Governor Schwarzenegger led the charge to defeat Proposition 66, which threatened to weaken Californias effective Three Strikes Law.
    The Governor signed legislation to prevent convicted sex offenders from receiving taxpayer-funded erectile dysfunction drugs.
    He proposed the landmark Jessicas Law to toughen regulations regarding convicted sex offenders.

Homeland Security

Protecting Californians from the threat of terrorism remains at the forefront of Governor Schwarzeneggers concerns:

    The Governor established the State Terrorism Threat Assessment Center to streamline information-sharing between federal and state law enforcement.
    The Governor allocated Homeland Security funds to strengthen security at 11 key California ports.

My Interests

Agenda:Governor Schwarzenegger works every day to prepare California for the future. He has a bold vision for rebuilding our state.From transportation to education to public safety and the economy, Governor Schwarzenegger is taking on the big issues that Californians deal with every day.Join Arnold as he tackles the tough issues and reinvigorates the great state of California.


K-12 Education

    The Governor's Strategic Growth Plan includes money to retrofit and modernize classrooms, invest in new charter schools and career technical education programs, and build more classrooms so California's children can benefit from smaller state-of-the-art learning environments.

Higher Education

    The Governor's plan would fund the educations of 600,000 more students in the state's colleges and universities, provide state-of-the-art equipment to expand medical education, and lead to the construction and renovation of new classrooms and laboratories.

Transportation and Air

    Rail transit systems would be enhanced, new freeway lanes would be constructed, and the state's transit corridors would be expanded by the Governor's Strategic Growth Plan. It would also reduce air pollution and improve traffic safety.


    The Governor's Strategic Growth Plan would improve the state's flood control system by fortifying the state's critical levees, mapping the 1 million acres of flood plains in the Central Valley for future projects, upgrading dams, and investing in water storage facilities to ensure a safe, reliable water supply.

Economic Health

    A constitutional amendment included in the Governor's Strategic Growth Plan would protect California's taxpayers from irresponsible debt levels by capping the state's debt ratio at six percent - an effort to also press lawmakers to prioritize bond initiatives.

Improved Security and Safety

    The Governor's Strategic Growth Plan would provide funds to increase the state's emergency readiness and fire protection, build and improve the state's court facilities, and expand prison capacity while improving safety for those who work in prisons.

New Jobs and Low Unemployment

Governor Schwarzenegger led the turnaround of California's economy over the last two and a half years. Since he took office, California has created more than half a million new jobs, and unemployment has plummeted to its lowest rate since 2001. The Governor has a plan to improve the economy further.

    Governor Schwarzenegger joined with local communities to successfully fight military base closures in California, preserving security to our nation and state, as well as protecting thousands of local jobs.

    Governor Schwarzenegger is working to protect workers' rights and well-being.

    The cities of Modesto, Brawley and Barstow were designated new Enterprise Zones by Governor Schwarzenegger, providing each city with state and local incentives to encourage job creation and promote business investment

An Environment for Growth

    Today, businesses are expanding, instead of fleeing the state, thanks to the Governor's signature on workers' comp reform legislation that lowered costs to business by a third.

    Under the Governor's watch, California's structural deficit has shrunk by two-thirds - from a projected $16.5 when the Governor was elected in 2003, down to $4.7 billion this year. The Governor continues to push for reforms to help California's economy grow, improve the state's credit rating, and accelerate California's job growth.

    Governor Schwarzenegger effectively promotes our state around the world and welcomes people to visit, invest, develop and grow their businesses here. During trade missions to China, Japan, Mexico, Hong Kong, and Israel, he has encouraged healthy trade relations and has created new business opportunities for California's companies, products, and services.


    For the second year in a row, Governor Schwarzenegger's budget recommends spending more money per pupil than the state has ever granted. His plan calls for more than $54.3 billion for education, with total per student spending of $10,996 - $660 more per pupil than this past year.

    The Governor's budget sets aside more than $375 million for staff development and teacher training, as well as $49.5 million in new funding to improve the state's schools with the most problems.

    By fully investing in Prop. 49, Governor Schwarzenegger will considerably increase access to before- and after-school programs for California's students.

Higher Education

    Our state's esteemed community colleges and universities are the envy of the nation and the world. The Governor has shown his commitment to these public schools by guaranteeing they remain affordable and continue to offer a world-class education.

    Governor Schwarzenegger has increased higher education funding by $2 billion since he took office.

    His January budget proposal eliminates the 8 percent student fee increase that was expected to take effect this fall for UC and CSU students.

Career Technical Education

    The Governor has invested an additional $20 million in technical education to expand the availability of these programs in the state's high schools and community colleges. Before Governor Schwarzenegger took office, these programs were under-funded, leaving many students without valuable opportunities to learn the skills they need to succeed in the California economy.


    Governor Schwarzenegger has advocated tougher penalties on sex offenders, greater punishments for gang-related crimes, stronger efforts on homeland security, a crackdown on domestic abuse and child abuse, and more support for local law enforcement agencies.

    When Proposition 66 threatened to weaken the Three Strikes law, Governor Schwarzenegger led the successful charge to defeat it.

    He has signed into law bills that improve victim restitution, strengthened Megan's Law, which makes sex offender information more readily accessible on the internet, and increased victims' rights in parole hearings.

    The Governor set into motion the overhaul of California's corrections system by merging the corrections system into the new Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, streamlining the separate investigation units into one operation.

Emergency Preparedness

    The Governor is focused on making sure the state's communities are prepared and a strong emergency response system is in place to deal with unexpected disaster.

    Since becoming Governor, he has invested more than $140 million to support flood control operations (including levee maintenance and evaluation), enhance flood protection, map floodplains, and improve the state's emergency response system.

    Governor Schwarzenegger signed ground-breaking legislation that allows the state to effectively access resources of the private sector in the event of a major disaster, easing the integration of private organizations and charities into the state's emergency management system.

Homeland Security

    The Governor provided $10 million to establish the State Terrorism Threat Assessment Center and four regional centers that operate as a partnership among federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to increase coordination and streamline information sharing.

    The Governor improved safety at California's key ports by directing $5 million of the state's share of federal homeland security funds to add cameras, lighting and fencing to 11 facilities.

    Each of the states 58 counties is now better equipped to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from manmade or natural disasters thanks to the Governors allocation of $67 million in federal homeland security funds to first responders.


    Governor Schwarzenegger is working to improve safety on California's roads, waterways and fire-prone areas, investing millions to help communities prevent and respond to potential dangers.

    The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection can buy up-to-date firefighting equipment, 40 new fire engines, better communication equipment, and pay for year-round firefighters because the Governor added $22.5 million to his budget for the agency.

Working with the Federal Government

The Governor believes that the federal government needs to do more to secure our borders. He is committed to fighting for policies that serve our national security interests while defending and upholding those interests that are unique to California.

    The Governor feels that addressing border security requires a multi-faceted, comprehensive solution, one that includes fencing, surveillance, but also immigration reform.

    He has worked with Senator Dianne Feinstein to ease the costs of border control while still preserving California's security.

    With the help of a bipartisan congressional delegation last year, the Governor increased California's portion of SCAPP from the federal government to $149 million, helping to alleviate the costs to California to incarcerate illegal immigrants in our state's prisons.

Guest Worker Programs

    Agriculture is a vital industry to the California economy and labor is critical to maintaining that industry. Governor Schwarzenegger supports a reasonable guest worker program that will not promote illegal immigration or lead to amnesty.

    The Governor began the nation's first heat regulations to safeguard outdoor laborers and signed into law a bill outlawing human trafficking.

Good Government

    In the two years since taking office, Governor Schwarzenegger has worked to eliminate government waste and streamline bureaucratic agencies, thereby strengthening the states business and economic climate.

    He has made government more efficient by eliminating 11 unnecessary boards and commissions and directing departments and agencies to employ more responsible operating practices.

    To set in motion the overhaul and streamlining of California's corrections system, Governor Schwarzenegger merged the corrections system into the new Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. With the numerous investigation units now united under one operation, each can more efficiently combat the proliferation of prison gangs.

Local Government

    The Governor has worked to ensure that California's counties, cities and towns have the resources they need by working to protect their money from state raids.

    Governor Schwarzenegger helped local governments pay for services by securing $1.2 billion to pay vehicle license fees owed to cities and counties one year ahead of schedule.

    Additionally he worked together with local governments to help pass Propositions 1A, 57 and 58 to protect local funding.

    Governor Schwarzenegger created the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley, which serves as a model for successful collaboration between the state and local governments to enhance the quality of life of residents and to improve the economy.

Workers' Compensation Reform

    Governor Schwarzenegger brought Republicans and Democrats together to pass ground-breaking workers' compensation insurance reform, which helped create new jobs, bring down insurance rates, ensure workers receive faster care, and allow California's small businesses to prosper.

    With costs for workers' comp having dropped by more than 35 percent, expenses for California's job-creators have dropped and California is cultivating a job-friendly environment.

I'd like to meet:

All Californians who want to reform and rebuild this wonderful state.


Hercules in New York, Pumping Iron, Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, The Terminator, Red Sonja, Commando, Raw Deal, Predator, The Running Man, Red Heat, Twins, Total Recall, Kindergarten Cop, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Last Action Hero, True Lies, Junior, Eraser, Jingle All the Way, Batman and Robin, End of Days, The 6th Day, Collateral Damage, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

My Blog

Next Step For Immigration

Thirty-eight years ago, I first arrived in America owning nothing but a dream. I had few friends, little money and knew even less English. But of this I was certain: Here was a land where I could go a...
Posted by Arnold on Thu, 25 May 2006 06:46:00 PST

Schwarzenegger Knows Schools Need More Than Extra State Money

Schwarzenegger Knows Schools Need More Than Extra State Money From The San Jose Mercury NewsMay. 22, 2006 By Bill Evers In the governor's race this election year, voters are sure to be listening ...
Posted by Arnold on Tue, 23 May 2006 10:01:00 PST

Governor Schwarzenegger's Remarks At The California Republican Party Convention

Governor Schwarzenegger's Remarks At The California Republican Party Convention San Jose, CA - Thank you.  Thank you.  Please sit down.  Thank you very much.  Wow.  What ...
Posted by Arnold on Wed, 03 May 2006 09:07:00 PST

RNC 2004 speech

Thank you. What a greeting! This is like winning an Oscar! ...As if I would know! Speaking of acting, one of my movies was called "True Lies." It's what the Democrats should have called their conven...
Posted by Arnold on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 06:46:00 PST

Returning the Luster to the Golden State's Economy

Returning the Luster to the Golden State's Economy By Governor Arnold SchwarzeneggerMarch 30, 2006 Two and a half years ago, the Golden State's economy had lost some of its luster. Our state was on th...
Posted by Arnold on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 08:36:00 PST

Governor's Corner: Being Both Environmentally Responsible And Economically Sound

By Governor Arnold SchwarzeneggerApril 12, 2006 Growing up, I was surrounded by clean air, pristine mountains, and clear streams and lakes. When I came to California in 1968, I was awed by the coastli...
Posted by Arnold on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 05:52:00 PST