I like things that make me smile.
People I already know. Seriously.
I've been listening to old favorite CD's lately.. It all started when I re-found Counting Crow's "August and Everything After" CD. Now I have Tracy Chapman in my car, Muddy Waters, Bill Withers. Bruce Springsteen's "Thunder Road" (live version) and Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" are the prettiest songs ever. Beth Orton, U2's "Bad", the Twin Peaks soundtrack. The White Stripes, Tom Petty, Poe. Pearl Jam's "Elderly Woman..." and "Black". Nirvana, Dave Matthew's "Crash" album. Michael Jackson, Dolly Parton, Tina Turner, Tom Waits. The Eagles (and Don Henley and Joe Walsh's solo careers.) Norah Jones, The Cure, James Taylor, Billy Joel. And always, always, always....Janis Joplin!
I like 'em.
The Sopranos!! Also a big fan of Sex and the City, Lost, House, Law and Order:SVU, Law and Order proper, America's Next Top Model, Daily Show, Conan, and anything on Animal Planet. And nothing makes me happier than watching American Idol. Yeah, I said it. American Idol, bitches! Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, 10 Items or Less, Friday Night Lights. I just watched all of Freaks and Geeks in 3 days...it's my new favorite (old) show.
I hate to admit it but damn, I have no shame... I am counting down the days until the next Harry Potter book comes out. "Atlas Shrugged" and "Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand are way up on the list. A Million Little Pieces, The Time Traveler's Wife, and The Best Nest by Dr. Seuss. Shel Silverstein is rad, also.
Justin Timberlake. He brought sexy back, and funny back to SNL. The latter was seemingly impossible to do, but he did it!