Ladyshake : We are organizing e.g. concerts/parties/exhibitions/film events for ladies+gentlemen.
Jenny Woolworth
Eva Kietzmann
Upcoming screenings of my film:
25th of May @Ladyfest Mülheim
Past screenings (Auswahl):
Diverse Ladyfest [u.a. Ladyfest London 08, Ladyfest München 08, Ladyfest Göteborg], Im Rahmen der Lost&Found-Ausstellung in der Shedhalle Zürich, Berlin Queer Festival, Underdog Filmfest in Wien, International Short Film Festival Detmold, Im Rahmen von Gender-Seminaren an Universitäten in Hamburg Berlin und Potsdam, Art festival in Rom, BOUYGERHL-Festival in Leipzig, Queerfemta in Marburg, Rampenfiber -Feministisches Musikfestival in Wien, Okto TV in Wien, AJZ-Kino in Bielefeld ...
Just a few of my faves: Anne Clark | At the drive in | Belle and Sebastian | Bikini Kill | Bratmobile | Boyskout | Bronski Beat | DAF | Digitalism | Depeche Mode | EA 80 | Einstürzende Neubauten | Fugazi | Gravy Train | Hans-A-plast | Joy Division | Kevin Blechdom | Lezzies On X | Le Tigre | Ladytron | Lyndsey Cockwell | Madonna | Marc Almond | Moldy Peaches | Moloko | Motormark | Motorama | Monotekktoni | Monochrome | New Order | Peaches | PJ Harvey | Reba Hasko | rhythm king and her friends | Robocop Kraus | Robots in disguise | Sleater Kinney | Soft Cell | Sonic Youth | Stereo Total | Team Dresch | "The power of love" from Frankie goes to Hollywood | The B 52..s | The Beatles | The Clash | The Cure | The Gossip | The Hives | The Knife | The Organ | The Notwist | The Ramones | The Smiths | The Stars | The Lapse/Van Pelt | The Velvet Underground | Tom Vek | Vera November | Victory at sea | Yeah yeah yeahs |
All time faves: Enjoy the silence + Never let me down/Depeche Mode
Best concert: The Lapse, 22.02.1999 @Ajz Bielefeld
a lot!
Vor kurzem gesehen: Die Geschwister Savage, Tamara Jenkins // "Tödliche Entscheidung / Before the Devil Knows You're Dead", Sidney Lumet // "Abgedreht", Michel Gondry //
Documentaries | Flipbooks | Stop-Motion | "Otto; or, up with dead people" [Bruce laBruce]| "One hand on open" [Stefan Pente, William Wheeler] | "RR" [James Benning] | "God Man Dog" [Singing Chen] | The Living End [Gregg Araki] | "Death proof" [Quentin Tarantino] | "Persepolis" [Marjane Satrapi] | Inland Empire" [David Lynch] | Jamie Babbit [z.B. "Itty Bitty Titty Committee"], "The future of feminism" [Cara Holmes], Nathalie Percillier ["Hartes Brot"], John Cameron Mitchell ["Shortbus"] | Michael Haneke ["Caché", "Die Klavierspielerin"] | Ang Lee ["Brokeback mountain"], Andy Warhol [z.B. "Kiss"] | "I hired a contract killer" [Aki Kaurismäki] | "Miss Gulag" [Maria Yatskova], "Welcome to the doll house", "The Graffiti Artist" [James Bolton], "Little Miss Sunshine" [Valerie Faris] | "Heavenly creatures" | "Hairspray" | Wallace&Gromit | "About a boy" | "Mitternachtskino. Midnight Movies" | "My heart the rockstar" [Nikki Forrest - Annie Martin] | "Afterhours" [Christine Gensheimer] | "Just another rip off" [Simone Bennett and Vera Stiphout] | "Its a she thing" -featuring Pipilotti Rist, Orlan, Kathleen Hannah, Sadie Bening, Le Tigre, Yoko Ono and Sarah Lucas [Susanne Ofteringer] | "dont need you" [Kerri Koch] | "The Audition" | "Wild zero" | "The Addiction" [Abel Ferrara] | "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" | Tim Burton [z.B. "Big Fish", "Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik"], Jim Jarmusch [z.B. "Night on earth"], Sadie Benning, Monika Treut [z.B. "Die Jungfrauenmaschine"] | Jack Smith | "Bittersüsse Schokolade" | "Mädchen in Uniform" | "Countdown to nothing" [Lucile Desamory] | "Fireflies" [Katharina Fiegl] | "Zazie in der Metro" [Louis Malle] | Music video to Sigur Rós: Viðrar vel til loftárása' by Àgætis Byrjun | and sooooo much more...
Documentaries | The L Word | Twin Peaks | Loriot | Cartoons | Stuff like "The Muppet Show" | DVD+VHS
Just to name a few:
Andrea Juno: Angry women; Anette Baldauf, Katharina Weingartner: Lips. Tits. Hits. Power?; "Assata" | Carla Despineux, Verena Mund (Hg.): Girls Gangs Guns. Zwischen Exploitation-Kino und Underground | Sarah Diehl | Nan Goldin, Cindy Sherman |
Testcard, [Fan]Zines, Webzines, Comics, Art books, Photobooks, Cookbooks ... | Katz und Goldt |
Here for:
Friends, Networking, Music, Film, Art
Smoke / Drink:
No / Yes!