k* profile picture


let go

About Me

I have made 2 films about female/queer musicians. More about it you can find in my blog or here .

My Interests

Ladyshake : We are organizing e.g. concerts/parties/exhibitions/film events for ladies+gentlemen.

Jenny Woolworth
Eva Kietzmann

I'd like to meet:

Upcoming screenings of my film:

25th of May @Ladyfest Mülheim http://www.ladyfest-muelheim.net/

Past screenings (Auswahl):

Diverse Ladyfest [u.a. Ladyfest London 08, Ladyfest München 08, Ladyfest Göteborg], Im Rahmen der Lost&Found-Ausstellung in der Shedhalle Zürich, Berlin Queer Festival, Underdog Filmfest in Wien, International Short Film Festival Detmold, Im Rahmen von Gender-Seminaren an Universitäten in Hamburg Berlin und Potsdam, Art festival in Rom, BOUYGERHL-Festival in Leipzig, Queerfemta in Marburg, Rampenfiber -Feministisches Musikfestival in Wien, Okto TV in Wien, AJZ-Kino in Bielefeld ...


Just a few of my faves: Anne Clark | At the drive in | Belle and Sebastian | Bikini Kill | Bratmobile | Boyskout | Bronski Beat | DAF | Digitalism | Depeche Mode | EA 80 | Einstürzende Neubauten | Fugazi | Gravy Train | Hans-A-plast | Joy Division | Kevin Blechdom | Lezzies On X | Le Tigre | Ladytron | Lyndsey Cockwell | Madonna | Marc Almond | Moldy Peaches | Moloko | Motormark | Motorama | Monotekktoni | Monochrome | New Order | Peaches | PJ Harvey | Reba Hasko | rhythm king and her friends | Robocop Kraus | Robots in disguise | Sleater Kinney | Soft Cell | Sonic Youth | Stereo Total | Team Dresch | "The power of love" from Frankie goes to Hollywood | The B 52..s | The Beatles | The Clash | The Cure | The Gossip | The Hives | The Knife | The Organ | The Notwist | The Ramones | The Smiths | The Stars | The Lapse/Van Pelt | The Velvet Underground | Tom Vek | Vera November | Victory at sea | Yeah yeah yeahs |

All time faves: Enjoy the silence + Never let me down/Depeche Mode

Best concert: The Lapse, 22.02.1999 @Ajz Bielefeld


a lot!
Vor kurzem gesehen: Die Geschwister Savage, Tamara Jenkins // "Tödliche Entscheidung / Before the Devil Knows You're Dead", Sidney Lumet // "Abgedreht", Michel Gondry //
Documentaries | Flipbooks | Stop-Motion | "Otto; or, up with dead people" [Bruce laBruce]| "One hand on open" [Stefan Pente, William Wheeler] | "RR" [James Benning] | "God Man Dog" [Singing Chen] | The Living End [Gregg Araki] | "Death proof" [Quentin Tarantino] | "Persepolis" [Marjane Satrapi] | Inland Empire" [David Lynch] | Jamie Babbit [z.B. "Itty Bitty Titty Committee"], "The future of feminism" [Cara Holmes], Nathalie Percillier ["Hartes Brot"], John Cameron Mitchell ["Shortbus"] | Michael Haneke ["Caché", "Die Klavierspielerin"] | Ang Lee ["Brokeback mountain"], Andy Warhol [z.B. "Kiss"] | "I hired a contract killer" [Aki Kaurismäki] | "Miss Gulag" [Maria Yatskova], "Welcome to the doll house", "The Graffiti Artist" [James Bolton], "Little Miss Sunshine" [Valerie Faris] | "Heavenly creatures" | "Hairspray" | Wallace&Gromit | "About a boy" | "Mitternachtskino. Midnight Movies" | "My heart the rockstar" [Nikki Forrest - Annie Martin] | "Afterhours" [Christine Gensheimer] | "Just another rip off" [Simone Bennett and Vera Stiphout] | "Its a she thing" -featuring Pipilotti Rist, Orlan, Kathleen Hannah, Sadie Bening, Le Tigre, Yoko Ono and Sarah Lucas [Susanne Ofteringer] | "dont need you" [Kerri Koch] | "The Audition" | "Wild zero" | "The Addiction" [Abel Ferrara] | "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" | Tim Burton [z.B. "Big Fish", "Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik"], Jim Jarmusch [z.B. "Night on earth"], Sadie Benning, Monika Treut [z.B. "Die Jungfrauenmaschine"] | Jack Smith | "Bittersüsse Schokolade" | "Mädchen in Uniform" | "Countdown to nothing" [Lucile Desamory] | "Fireflies" [Katharina Fiegl] | "Zazie in der Metro" [Louis Malle] | Music video to Sigur Rós: Viðrar vel til loftárása' by Àgætis Byrjun | and sooooo much more...


Documentaries | The L Word | Twin Peaks | Loriot | Cartoons | Stuff like "The Muppet Show" | DVD+VHS


Just to name a few:
Andrea Juno: Angry women; Anette Baldauf, Katharina Weingartner: Lips. Tits. Hits. Power?; "Assata" | Carla Despineux, Verena Mund (Hg.): Girls Gangs Guns. Zwischen Exploitation-Kino und Underground | Sarah Diehl | Nan Goldin, Cindy Sherman | Testcard, [Fan]Zines, Webzines, Comics, Art books, Photobooks, Cookbooks ... | Katz und Goldt |

Here for: Friends, Networking, Music, Film, Art
Sign: Leo
Smoke / Drink: No / Yes!
Children: Someday


My Blog

Review // Uplift magazine

http://www.upliftmagazine.com/uplift/?p=88Written by: Sarah Barnes[...] Getting off schedual meant that my previously planned 'workshop day' became my newly discovered 'film day' and how glad I was, s...
Posted by k* on Mon, 12 May 2008 01:04:00 PST

My film project

The film project has started out in 2002, with the band Le Tigre when I perceived their feminist/post rriot girl background + performance. I placed great importance to it and made a video of their sh...
Posted by k* on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 12:41:00 PST

Screening/Filmvorführung -- Distribution / Filmvertrieb

hi there,if you are interested in one of my films and wanna screen it or wanna buy a copy on dvd, feel free to contact me: [email protected] interesse an der vorführung einer meiner film...
Posted by k* on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 07:37:00 PST

Fiber-Artikel von Beatrice Bösiger/November/2006

Female+Queer Words+Beats 2Der Dokumentarfilm Female+Queer Words+Beats 2 zeichnet in 80 Minuten ein Portrait von verschiedenen Bands und Künstlerinnen aus der aktuellen female/queeren Musikszene. Dabe...
Posted by k* on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:07:00 PST


Excerpt 1 out of "Female+queer words+beats 2", The Organ: Excerpt 2 out of "Female+queer words+beats 2", Lezzies On X: Teaser of my short film "talk!" -with excerpts out of "Female+...
Posted by k* on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 11:53:00 PST


News News News: The "first prize" of the Rampenfiber Film and Music Festival in Vienna -category documentations- was awarded to ´Female+queer wor...
Posted by k* on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 02:17:00 PST

Female+queer... -Review v. Stephanie Müller (english)

It started all with my love for angry grrrl voices... bands like Bratmobile, Bikini Kill or Team Dresch had always been my "personal bests" and "rebel girls" like Donna Dresch, Allison Wolfe or Kathl...
Posted by k* on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:27:00 PST

Female+queer... -Review v. Britta Hoffarth

Let's name the phenomenonMusikfilme sind groß. Besonders, wenn sie nicht unter dem Diktat von Produktion und Absatz stehen, sondern genug Raum lassen für eine Idee.´female+queer words+beats` heißt Ka...
Posted by k* on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:21:00 PST