Jessika Voltastic profile picture

Jessika Voltastic

jump me heartache

About Me

1.2. fh-design-diplomparty at fh lampingstraße, bielefeld
25.1. studio 61 at WG Hotel Kaiser
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15.12. shitfuck
8.12. trashtime at Kamp /////////
30.11. KOMMANDO TANZ! ostbahnhof,bielefeld
17.11. somewhere in bielefeld. ask stephen for your entrance-bar! limited!!
25.10. sounds02.10.07: KOMMANDO TANZ! rockin'elektropolkafox at Ostbahnhof 21.09.07:LOUSIV-STUDIO 61 at WG
next DJ-dates 06: +Sat 16. September 06: Shitfuck at Neuroserve, Bielefeld+ Fri 29. September AJZ+ Sat 21.10. baracke in Münster with ladyshake+ ladyfest ruhr+ 1.12. hold onto your pants!+ thu 14.12. sounds, bielefeld+sat 16.12. neuroserve+25.12. Kamp+31.12. shitfuck at Neuroserve+ Sat 17.2.07 ladyshake beatdazzle with leslie & the LY's (live) AJZ Bielefeld +Fri 23.02.blauesehnsucht/studio 61 with misspunk Viktoriastr. 61 Bielefeld+ Thu 6.3.07 sounds bielefeld thu 15.3. shitfuck ------------------------------------------------------------ - fri 30.3.07: wow! violet/studio 61 at 88, bielefeld with misspunk (psst:sat 7.4. shitfuck with misspunk and bomb boutique)----------------------------------- fri 27.4. Ostbahnhof, Bielefeld sat 5.5. shitfuck fri 25.5.super duper feminism, AJZ fri 1.6. junge freunde, kunsthalle bielefeld ? ? sat. 23.6. television debil, artists unlimited
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b

My Interests


I'd like to meet:



i say elektro!


aktion mutante, wild zero, amores perros, me and you and everyone we know


you should read: Xaver Bayer: Heute könnte ein glücklicher Tag sein Aglaja Veteranyi: Warum das Kind in der Polenta kocht Alexander Masters: Stuart. A life backwards