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hell G.

hell is just around teh corner...

About Me

blablabla, who cares... ;))
when I..m not drumming in bands I..m still busy workin on some sideprojects (listed on the left)
nu stuff soon on my mp3-label are about to go online this summer. BREAKING NEWS: Next release is waiting for download - please welcome the cinematic smooth & soulful and even sometimes eerie ambient-house-duo "takt3"!
just click on the albumcover to go directly to my $upra-Webshop or click here to go to our $upra-Space.
also waiting for release: tobi morare..s first e.p. which I highly recommend to all those electronic-blast-lovers - if you don..t know what I mean check out tobi..s myspace . all release-dates will be posted here asap or on my $upra-Space . for now you can drop in and listen to my latest works "carefree"
& my "summertime e.p."
enjoy & thx for tuning in!
PUCH (downtempo/lounge/triphop/pop)
We have two totally new songs in our myspace-player - why not come and check em? just click here .
our album "selected pieces" is also still available - you can checkout our stuff on our homepage and aswell on our myspace-page ah, iTunes has our stuff aswell.
7 DAYS AWAKE (psi-rock)
our album "time fluctuations" is still available in stores all over europe and elsewhere:
for audio check our and soon aswell our too. ah, and you can also check !
our little electro-house-baby works it out very well on the dancefloor - "zertainty" will be released later this year & also a bunch of crispy remixes - stay tuned, updates are coming soon!
in the meantime i..m still busy workin as a drum & bass dj aswell for my on our soundinvasion-parties at the and on my second baby together with dj nightshot called at the , bielefeld.
meanwhile I expanded my musical repertoire aswell and I..m now also playin stuff like indietronic, electro, electroclash, dancepunk - you can examine that in my latest mixes below (listen by clicking on the pics):the madwax-dj team is still existing but had a little musical mindchange - we don..t play much drum & bass and are featuring more the 4 to the floor. sorry folks, but times they are a changin...;)I had some small releases mainly on compilations - in 2005 I released a split 12" together with propac at the digital-terrorists label from munich called "summertime"(hell g.) & "these eyes"(propac).
my still hasn..t been updated for a long time and i m thinkin about to never ever do it cause flash sucks hard and I simply don..t have the time to do all the programming-shizzle - so all news & tings will be posted here first! so stay tuned if you like & drop me a message if you feel the need. :)
keep it all up & unreal!
X, hell g.
for bookings please contact:
see what i hear right now on last-fm:

My Interests


Member Since: 6/4/2005
Band Website: hell-g.com
Band Members: just me

check out my other projects here:

active bands & projects:

(psi-rock, other)

(electro/acoustic, indie, other)

(german pop/punk, indie, club)

(downtempo, trip hop, lounge, pop)

(disco, electro, other)

projects in sleep mode:

HELL G. the "POP" files
(pop, powerpop, other)

(lofi, crunchy coverversions, electroclash)

(illbient, idm, industrial, ghettotech)

(psychedelic, instrumental)

past bands & projects:

Annette Gratze
(downtempo, trip hop, other)

(indie-rock, powerpop)

(comedy electronica, crunk, trash)

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Influences: kraftwerk, 80´s trash, psychedelic rock/pop, funk, punk, and to name some artists the prodigy, chemical brothers, dj shadow, dj spooky, dj vadim, depth charge, optical, matrix, calyx, krust, goldie, j majik, etc... & to name some bands aswell ween, mr bungle, flaming lips, postal service, beck, 7 days awake, cut copy, primus, velvet underground, etc..
Sounds Like: Visuals: VJ Konvex / Februar 2007 // Musik: Hell-G - Summertime VJ Konvex feat. Hell-G

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radio hell feat. vj konvex @ diagonale 2006, oetkerhalle bielefeld Radio Hell feat. VJ Konvex

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Record Label: $upra-Recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Nu $upra-Releases & new songs from PUCH

hi again yall, just some breaking news: there..s a new mindbending release on my little mp3-label $upra-Recordings. It..s the magnificent minimal-ambient-house-duo "takt3". just click on the albumcove...
Posted by hell G. on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 05:30:00 PST

D.I.S.C.O. Earth - Nu Mix July 08

Yeeehaaa,back again in full effect with a nu mix fitting perfect to the excellent weather outside:ladies & gentlemen pleaz checkout:just click on earth & enjoy!feedback appreciated!...
Posted by hell G. on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 08:24:00 PST


hey peeps,I..ve got something very sick for you:just click on da pic! :)enjoy!cheerz,h...
Posted by hell G. on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 09:42:00 PST

HOLY PHOCK! - Nu Mix Jan 08

hi yalltogether!hope you all had a great slide-into 08!I prepared a new mix, and as the name already says this is an insane mixture of electrifying stuff - flavoured with illness, discovibes & som...
Posted by hell G. on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 05:50:00 PST

Hell is just around the corner live at t-party @ kamp - mixset 25.12.07

hi yall again,here´s my latest mix I performed live at the legendary t-party @ kamp, bielefeld on 25th of december 07.the specialty at the t-party: they have 15 dj´s around, so every dj is supposed to...
Posted by hell G. on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 04:49:00 PST

MashUpDate July 07

hiyall,just got grabbed by the mashup-fever and here are some results - discover what happens when worlds collide:1.) everything but the girl vs. mstrkrft - the missing looks2.) michael jackson vs. ju...
Posted by hell G. on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 01:16:00 PST


hi folx,here´s a new mix I prepared for our local campusradio "hertz 87,9" - I titled it "This Beat Is Technotronic" and it´s NO drum n´bass-mix! styles included in this mix: indietronic, electro, ele...
Posted by hell G. on Thu, 03 May 2007 11:29:00 PST

instinct - free 320er download!

Posted by hell G. on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 05:17:00 PST

Icke & Er Remix

    yeaah, its finished & its richtich geil! ladies & gentlemen, please checkout rischtisch geil in da jungle!! :)Icke & Er - Richtig geil (hell g��s korrekter...
Posted by hell G. on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:31:00 PST

...and some more hell g. links...

...for those of you who dont already know: i have two soundclick sites, where you can checkout my stuff aswell. the first is HERE and the second with older tunes is THERE have a good one! che...
Posted by hell G. on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 04:56:00 PST