My husband, My girls, my Rico, my pets, Buddhism. I love to read and watch ABC soaps when I can find the time. I love playing video games too, there just isn't enough time to play!
My kids friends and people who think my dogs and cat are adorable!!!; This little squirrel looks just like our pet squirrel named Taigie. Our Taigie passed away in Jan. 1987. We sure do miss him.... He used to run up a tree when we took him hiking and when Gordon called him he ran right back up his leg and sat on his shoulder, ready to go home! mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="" enableJavaScript="false" flashvars="configURL= config.xml.php?v= 89973d6493f3c7f5ac8b08014_assorted3.flv&l=1" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="400" height="
I love oldies! Barry Manilow, Phil Collins, Rod Stewart, Enya, Miguel Bose, KD Lang,IL Divo is my new favorite! Love their music, their voices make me shiver.....
Chances Are, Planet of the Apes (All of them) Comedys, Sci-fi & Thrillers!
ABC soaps! Sci-fi channel, Animal Planet, Reality TV, Love the new Logo channel that we finally get...
Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Bentley Little, John Saul, Books on Buddhism I LOVE TO READ!!!!
The Dalai Lama! Oprah! People who have overcome their childhoods and didn't let it take them down! My Mom & Dad, my Husband and kids!My Grandma & My Aunt Diana, I wish they were still alive....