Being inbetween profiles...
Those who will help me further my own agenda.
a lot of stuff, stuff that I am free to talk to you about now
my people don't watch movies...
my people don't watch tv...
Some stuff I've read: The Age of Reason (Paine), The Behavior of Law (Black), Strength to Love (King, Jr.), Attack the Messenger (Crawford), The Trial of Henry Kissinger (Hitchens), Jesus Is Not A Republican (Willis/Hardcastle), The Rise of the West (McNeill), Crime And Punishment (Dostoevsky), Armed Madhouse (Palast), The Dark Side of Camelot (Hersh), The Social Contract (Rousseau), The Power of Myth (Campbell), America the Book, The Bomb In The Basement (Karpin), Bushwhacked (Ivins/Dubose), Reefer Madness (Schlosser), Saying Yes (Sullum), The Doors of Perception, Heaven and Hell (Huxley), The Kingdom of God is Within You (Tolstoy), The End of Faith (Harris), The God Delusion (Dawkins), What We Believe But Cannot Prove (Brockman), The Jesus Papers (Baigent), Bertrand Russell Essays and Lectures (look em up), Eyewitness: 150 Years of Photojournalism (Time), Unspeak (Poole), White Lies-White Power (Novick)
FRIENDSOFGAZZ:10 Years A Black Market Diary A-F Records A Fall For Adam A Lesson Learned A Place of Solace A Small Town Conspiracy Ace Brown & his Helldrivers Against Alan Griffith Amerced American Minor American Sound Syndicate Andy Iafrate Anger Strike Anti-Flag Anthony Paitsel Anthony Steele Aristotle & the Excellent Lovers Arsis Ashes of Serenity Awaken Band of Brothers Beer for Blood Better Off Dreaming Beyond All Hope Billy Matheny Black Knots Blackdamp Black Tie Bombers Bland Blitzkid Bobaflex Boo Born to Remain Braille Drivers Brain Trauma Broken Image Byzantine Carrie Crash Cathar Chum Clutch Crackerbat Cryptic Sin Darkness Remains Darling Articles Descension Rate Down Goes Frazier Down To None Downstate Downtrend Downtrodn Duck and Cover! Dysfigure EmpurE Exocell Eye Alone Facehold Fairweather Fan Fallen From February Fifth Column Five Bolt Main Five Second Trip Fixxxer Foxhole Freak Tent Freekbass From Nothing Gas Cap Bandits Genius Negative Genuine Junk Band Gods Goodkind Gran Pappys Lap Guinness Clarke's Wine Hasil Adkins Haulin' Dust Heads Held High Heavy Me Hell Forged Hands Hierosonic Hillbilly Deathride Holden Caulfield Hovel Hyatari Hydrogyn I Shouldn't Be Alive J. Marinelli Jeff Ellis Jeff Wade John Pooles Five Ways to Fade Killbot Lake Trout Last Standing Law Biting Citizens Let the Guilty Hang Librarians Liecus Liquid Filth Liquid Harvest Listed MIA Long Time Coming Lovedrug Madelyne Magic Bronson Martha Divine Mechanism of Injury Mercenaire Mind Over Matter Mohrg Moth Mother Tucker Trio My Morning Jacket My Tragedy Neutral Agreement New American Groove NineDayTheory Noizbox Novaflow Nuestra Familia Offset One Too Many Heroes Outshined PI Pistol Whippers Poli Technical High Premature Burial Professor Mike Pure Grain Rachel Eddy & the Mo'town Rounders Randy Gilkey RasClaat Redding Bros. Requiem~Within Rock Radio All-Stars Ronald Reagan Surprise Sacrification Sandra Black Scarlett Threshold Scenes From a Movie Self Immolation Seven % Solution Shadow Box Jinx Shawn Benfield Shorthrow Sleepisdead Social Junk Sonic Voodoo Split Nixon Stack of Monkeys Stone Buddha Stone Ka-Tet Stretch Arm Strong Stuck In Kaos StychNTyme Suffer Switched Telefunk Ten Carp Lie Ten Year Winter The Apprentice The Argument The Big Bad The Bloody Panties The Carpenter Ants The Chasing Game The Dig-Its The Emergency The Greens The Lawrence Arms The Love Me Knots The Monkey Knife Fights The New Relics The Ones That Got Away The Premature Ejaculators The Present Crisis The Return The Slow Mutants The Stars are Veiled The War of 1812 The Yetti Thred Threefold Theory Time & Distance Timeless Memory Todd Burge Transcendent Third Tribes of Revolt Truck Stop Romeo Two Guys and a Girl Underwater Sex Plants Va. St. Verns Pot O Chili Velvet Spasm Vintage Tone Voices of Anatole Vox Populi War Creek Mafia WarheL Warren Hughes Watt4 Weekend Warriors WestbyGod When Everything Goes Wrong Wilderkin Withdrawal Method Yesterdays Tomorrow Zeroking My wife Jessica, she is the greatest...DID I WRITE THAT???