"Gee, when this thing gets on TV, people are going to see some of the stupid things I did."
Poker Corner: The Right Attitude at the Table
By Dale Blasingame
I just recently got a chance to watch the World Series of Poker Tournament of Champions, which aired on Christmas Eve (yeah, I know...I'm a few weeks late). One thing really stuck out -- if you have the right attitude, you can go a long way in poker.
If you caught most of the World Series this year, you probably saw at least a few profiles on Steve Dannenmann.
He's an amateur...who really didn't expect to last past Day One. Well, he ended up getting 2nd in a field of more than 5,600 and pocketed somewhere around $4 million.
His key? Have a good time.
I'd have to say...I agree.
Now understand, this is a complete 180 from my past beliefs. I used to think becoming a better poker player was all about taking notes, studying and analyzing everything. That is still a big part of it...and if poker is your profession, those probably are the most important exercises. For the rest of us, not so much. Something else is even more important -- your attitude at the table affects so much of your play.
Think about it.. If you're so serious at the table and only focused on either making money or winning, a bad beat is going to send you into a tailspin. Plus, it's just a miserable way to spend a few hours. But if you're there to have a good time, play some poker and try and get better, you learn to put up with those hands that make you want to pound your head into the wall. You calm down faster, meaning it doesn't take so long to get those chips back.
Back to Dannenmann.. He ended up finishing 5th at the Tournament of Champions. Not bad, considering it was full of dozens of the world's best poker players. He still considers himself an amateur, but he's earned the respect of the top guns -- no small feat.
It just goes to show -- playing tight and having a good time can make you a lot of money.ModMySpace Profile Customizer