An etymology on revolution: (latin) re- back + volvere roll, orbit. To revolve is to complete a cycle of, to become. It involves a change. REVO is simply a way of saying: we'd like to change the world.REVO is a movement rooted in the concept of love— to think beyond ourselves and redefine our modern conception of necessity. An idea in motion... a way of living... a noun... a verb... REVO thrives on the idea that one person is all it takes to trigger a domino effect of positive change.
REVO is not a cause in and of itself. In its uniquely fluid, adaptable form, REVO exists simply to mobilize everyday people into taking real, creative steps toward relief, restoration, and lasting hope in a needful world. There are a lot of noteworthy organizations out there doing great work. REVO provides a way of helping them keep on doing what they do.
The most practical way REVO has been carried out thus far is through city-wide events— art shows, fashion shows, benefit concerts, etc.— with a three-part purpose:· Heightening awareness about various forms of social injustice
· Raising funds for organizations that are already set in place
· Providing an opportunity for communities to come together for a purpose much greater than themselves
The exciting thing about REVO PUC is that it is the first branch of REVO to be campus-based. Currently, there are REVO branches in Hawaii [ Hilo and O'ahu ], Nashville , Los Angeles, New York , Philadelphia , Baton Rouge , Orlando , Las Vegas , Guam , and Montreal— and REVO is only growing each day.THE CAUSE
The Not For Sale Campaign—an organization committed to abolishing trafficking and modern day human slavery—is raising $100,000 to build a home and vocational training center for abused and trafficked street children in Lima, Peru. The harrassment against kids on the street makes it essential to respond quickly, and remove them from the threats of Lima’s violence. We want to ensure that these kids receive the stability of a home they need as soon as possible.
REVO is our opportunity to have a direct effect on the lives of these children!
Here’s how: we're coming together as the community of Pacific Union College— students, faculty, and staff— and we're selling our stuff. Not just the junk we've been meaning to get rid of. We're mindfully considering the material objects that matter to us, and we're giving those up. Even if it's just one thing. In parting with our possessions, our goal is to— through that feeling of sacrifice— experience a very personal connection to our cause.
On May 18th at 7pm, REVO takes place. We'll hold a sale of all the items we've gathered... and we'll buy each others' stuff. All money raised from REVO will go toward getting the kids in Lima get the home they need.
But it doesn't stop there. REVO PUC won't be limited to just the sale— also going down will be the SA Fashion Show, concert featuring “Hawaii’s finest postmodern rockers†Goodbye Elliott, DJ set, poetry slam, raffle, and more.
PUC, gear up for an absolutely amazing night!
REVO IS HERE, and it starts with you.
What will you bring?
· at the REVO booth outside the upper cafeteria entrance· 11:00-1:00 & 5:00-7:00 every weekday
· Last day for collection: Wednesday, May 14
For more information, check out the following resources:
START A REVO - Official Website
The Not For Sale Campaign - Lucy's Story
The Not For Sale Blog - Stories From Peru
Goodbye Elliott - Playing @ REVO PUC May 18
And watch our promo video here!
REVO PUC on YouTube
REVO PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE | [email protected]