A brother label to New Age Dawn Productions, focusing on experimental music, particularly of an atmospheric, spatial and psychedelic character, usually referred to as "ambient". We are not limited to any genre though, we just follow our aesthetic drive. Music for those who listen at the stars.New Age Dawn/Stellar Auditorium Productions is a new independent record label and booking agency founded by nothing more but a handful of people associated creatively with the underground music scene. Our primary goal is not only to present the audience with our personal vision of how’s interesting and quality music like, but to offer a new perspective and an alternative to the norm of spiritless, profit driven music labels around. Low prices of our products, exceptional packaging, and a fair relationship to the artists we work with are some of the faculties we believe will help us to differentate and to attain a unique character within the music industry. Musicwise, our main focus lies both into the field of boundless experimental music, as well as in the metal-and-related underground, we are open to any kind of genre though provided it sounds like something new to our ears. Though we are obviously limited in our choices regarding material we can put out being in our ’humble begginings’, interested artists who believe they can fit in are encouraged to get in contact; other labels who like our way of thinking and are looking for collaboration or distribution should also do.
AUD001: Sempervirens - Dirge of the Dying Year
AUD002: Procer Veneficus - Saltwater and Glassmoon
AUD003: Underjordiska - Dystert Vilse
AUD004: Underjordiska - Spectral Lore (split album)
Note: the mp3 files on the myspace streaming players are awfully compressed, and as a result the quality suffers much loss. The flash player beneath offers much better quality and representation of how the audio files sound in their best, may take a while to load though!
Few individuals have mastered the art of soundscaping to a similar degree to the Estonian ambient artist Margus Mets, aka Sempervirens. His, largely unreleased, output of 6 full length albums and numerous other uncompiled material has been an exemplary effort to create soundworlds where boundaries are only set by the imagination of the artist, and where field recordings, deep drones, distant transmissions of some classical music broadcast, or even acoustic guitar breakdowns are found under precise multi-layering , flowing seemlessly as if they were never separate in the first place. "Dirge Of The Dying Year" uncovers eight realms filled with unfettered beauty and pure thought, eight worlds stretching out as the eight fatal directions of the compass, all engulfed under an insatiable fog. Somewhere between Biosphere's "Substrata", Northaunt's "Barren Land" and the early recordings of Brian Eno, "Dirge..." is the last and most mature recording of the Sempervirens catalogue, and a promise to far greater things in the future.Ltd. edition of 250 copies. Artwork has been compiled by the works of eight graphic artists, each one making an image/painting inspired by one of the eight songs of the album.
Mr. Derek Schultz aka Night of Procer Veneficus has been composing hallucinogenic odes to otherwordly entities, foggy swamps, far away constellations and ash covered mountains since 2004, having unleashed a large catalogue of recordings featuring his unique brand of either black metal, acoustic or organic ambience. We are extremely proud to bring out to light an unreleased and obscured gem from 2005 in our first series of releases. "Saltwater and Glassmoon" is about the depths of the sea, and its sounds illustrate a drowned orchestra performing large, adagio movements from within the deep, dark ocean. According to the words of the man himself, "Deep and slow December ambience; kelp forest orchestral reveries filled to the brim with rich Pacific longing. Midnight moonlight music for crystalline blue air and silver oceanic melodies waning into sleep, slipping softly over the continental shelf into the enveloping refuge of abyssal silence".Ltd. edition of 200 copies in cardboard sleeve packaging.
Dystert Vilse is like a sudden massive outburst of light and sound in front of your eyes, coming out from an individual detained into silence for a whole eternity, blinding your senses without mercy. The second album of this swedish one man outfit encompasses the quintessence of black metal music stripped to its core and without the tedious intermissions of drums and bass, instead utilizing a multitude of electric guitars in a style reminiscent of masterpiecies such as Ulver's "Nattens Madrigal", although in a manner more similar to how a classical composer uses his orchestra, unleashing a wall of sound full of rich dynamics which leads into overwhelming climaxes. From the catharctic sounds of "Isolation" and the tortured "Om Hosten" to the grand 18 min opus "Hope", Dystert Vilse is an album that describes the willpower to break the chains that bind human souls to apathy, and an absolute cry of agony, freedom and detachment. It's an album about all human suffering, the grand enigma of existance, and the Trancendent Light no mind can conceive. Listen at your own risk.Lmd. edition of 250 copies in digipack packaging. Artwork by Philippe Sainte-Laudy and Semitone Labs.
Two experimental black metal one-man bands venturing into new and unknown fields: this split is a collaboration far different from your typical "let's throw some left-outs from our previous records, make a intro or two and off to the printing plant" mentality, instead being a concept split album which should be heard as one, rather than two albums on the same cd. It is a journey from the surface of the sea to the very depths of the ocean, and then back towards the surface again. Each musician undertakes one part of the journey; two compositions over 30 minutes, featuring actual underwater recordings, aquatic drones, unique instruments (from a mandolin to a duduk) and even melodic post rockish moments. There is a continual flow of movement to the music, as the listener, embodied within this audial environment, descents and ascends through the ocean, towards a deepest point that seems to bear a particular significance: but is it the goal, or the journey itself that matters more?
The split we’ve made is a concept album, in a sense. It is about a circle of travel. It starts with my part, up by the surface of an Ocean which we’ve imagined. It’s not a “real†ocean, we believe. It’s something we’ve made up. Or something the listener makes up. Anyway, when you start listening to the record you’re up by the surface, and everything is quite pleasant, indeed. The sky is filled by heavy clouds, I think. But the Sun is present, if ever so slightly. It is trying to squeeze its divinity through the grey calm and desolation; heavy with rain. Then you head down, and you just go deeper and deeper. And it becomes more chilling and dark the further down you go, until you reach a certain point, and everything just changes. This is what we call “the Secretâ€. The lister is now so far down, that the Ocean has completely taken over, and everything is just weird, and things may not be as they appear, or how you thought they would appear. It may be light, I don’t know. To me it’s something, and to someone else the Secret might be something different. Anyway, when my part of the Split is done, you’re down as far as you can go in this imagined Ocean of ours; then Spectral Lore takes over, and the ascent begins. Slowly. Through the Secret and up, reaching, striving for the surface. And the further you go, the more soothing it becomes, I believe. Rays of sunlight? Your eye glimpses brightness, eventually you reach the surface, and everything is washed off. Until you press play again, for another venture downwards. And this time you might experience something else. I don’t know. If you put the CD on repeat it’s just an everlasting circle of travel – which is of course delightful, and it's how this album was meant to be experienced.-Dawid Dahl, Underjordiska.Ltd. edition of 200 copies. Artwork by Sperber Illustrationen and Fursy Teyssier.
All releases are due to be out at ends of may/early days of summer, should the stars be aligned well (and our pockets not empty) . Because of the limited nature of these releases, it may to wise to reserve your copies by preordering the albums you are interested in: we will in fact offer a bonus 3'' cd-r release for every preorder which is going to include more than one album (more info to come soon on that). Given the chance, we'd like you to know that we have a standard selling price of 6 euros for all of our first four releases: should you be interested in purchasing all four albums, you can have them all for 20 euros plus postage fees (cool, huh?). Besides regular customers, interested labels and mailorders may also contact us for wholesale prices in [email protected]. Other inquiries and questions may be adressed at [email protected].We are also carrying items from mostly underground and selected artists & labels in styles ranging from ambient and drone music to folk and metal in our mailorder service. More info and list on our blog entitled "mailorder".