Bilkis is from Leytonstone.. home of Alfred Hitchcock and David Beckham. She doesn't come from a musical family but created her first untitled vocal composition at the age of two. At the age of four she wrote her first song called 'Three Wise Rabbits', which was so moving it drove those who heard it to tears. At fourteen she and her friend decided to form a heavy metal group called 'Access to Insanity'... she then decided to get a guitar, so she could emulate her all time guitar hero, Slash. This proved difficult on her crap guitar from Argos, so she wrote folk songs instead...
'unlike anything else I've listened to this month. There's a kind of devil may care attitude at work here where tracks stop when you think they will carry on, where vocals harmonies spiral in all sorts of directions...' shane blanchard , tasty fanzine
'there is a disguised haunting quality in her low-key folk and expert
harmonics. A sharp balance of ukulele pluck, pinpoint guitar strum,
elementary percussion and programmed sounds complement the gorgeous vocal soak' - Vanity project Issue 14
'on one level the songs can be admired for their intuitive craftsmanship and self-awareness but can also flow with a hypnotic grace that sprinkles some magic to set the hairs on end' - Whisperin and Hollerin
'Rather like nouvelle cuisine but without the wankyness',