Highways, expressways, freeways, roads and streets, traffic cones, other blockades, traffic lights, street signs, road dividers, speed bumps, guard rails, light poles, drunk drivers, and neglectful pet owners who allow their pets to become roadkill!Someday I will wipe out all reckless drivers and bad pet owners by jumping out at them, causing them to crash their modes of transportation. If I had hands, it would be so much sweeter. . .
Whatever you may like to believe, the rest of us don't what to hear that crappy BOOM BOOM BOOM shit. Turn it down. Thanks!
I watch whatever is playing at the drive-in. When I am placed near the drive-in. . .
I am not a house dweller although I have been known to peek into your windows at nite to watch horror, 70's kung fu, and "nerdy" film. . .
I read whatever crap you litterbugs throw out the window.