At the age of 98, I'm one of a growing body of aquestioners and dissidents who are greatly concerned by our general failure to safeguard these lands of America.
The Indians regarded themselves as caretakers. We regarded ourselves as owners and rightful exploiters. The scars and bleeding are everywhere...and the resulting trend is now rushing toward collapse! And if it occurs, it will be horrendous..ah so?...as so...!
So what are we doing about it? Why, we are going to elect another President. No matter that the office of President was never a given power. No matter that a Lardass Congress soils itself by permitting an abysmally, arrogant gamester who is indiffereent to the slaughter of familiew and the sweated cost to build his legacy while selling us to China...incredible
It may be that our nation really is described in Revelations. But on the chance that our Creator, God, offers us a way out, which we are presently ignoring. It seems wise and just that we should grab at this last reprieve and if we are to 'go down' let us go in a spirit of LOVE FOR ALL OF THE GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL THAT HAS WITHSTOOD OUR DESTRUCTION.
I'm speaking of building the democracy, which our founding fathers so earnestly tried to ensure. Their system of government could have succeeded if it were occupied by men of honor. But perhaps that was too much to ask of human nature.
However, now, as if from the heavens above, we have uncovered the electronic means to have an absolute DEMOCRACY; "of the people and for the people". Let us not dishonor this trust.
Each voter must be granted a little voter box; protected, individualizes, switched for AYE and NAY and limited to but one vote upon every issue that affects our welfare!
You can see that by voting upon Issues we have quite removed any excuse for continuing the game of politics played by a Lardass Congress which fails to jerk Bush for he clearly is incapable of rational reasoning, but rests upon the Lardass Congress who in a body watch the horror and await the outcome! Don't ponder that in the dark of the night!
Gaining the vote is the great move. The danger of rigging the system is less than at any previous time. We each shall have equal power of vote and so shall watch closely and I expect it will be the cleanest system ever conceived! DAD (Dissenting American's Democracy) is a warm and trusting term, at least in it's spirit. Dad is the protector of the home. (Mom IS the home).
We're composed of atoms and no two atoms are alike. Then are we intended to be under the whims and digestions of any other person whatsoever? And surely not by any such overweening creatures who utter the insult of wanting to leeeeead their assumed lessor kinfolk.
A bit of whimsy keeps coming to me: I'm approached by a mouth of gleaming teeth surrounding the mawl and as I absorb that insult of being my 'leader' my hand comes up with the contents of my pocket; three coins, a button and a cap from a tooth out of the past, .. flip and in they go among those forty eager teeth, a hardy coap on the back to greet the spine with the ribs and I saunter away musing upon the inherent dangers of accepting leadership from persons not yet into the age of wisdom. If - as in ancient times assemblies deffered to the seasoned old man, would our nation now be ravaged by such as, autos drawn by 200 powers of a horse and at the same time our leaders invade small nations who dare frown upon our thirst for oil?So, now that we have the vote what shall we do with it? We dare not move too rapidly. But there are certain changes that we can safely make;
1) Limit profit to the needs of the industry involved, eliminating excess profit.
2) Rework the auto industry, utilizing superior and far less costly designs, decrease our debt and lessen our dependency upon other
countries for fuel oil, and produce alternative fuels such as bio-diesel.
3) Quite rapidly, start great public works such as, desalinating ocean water and piping it inland...'even making the deserts bloom', thereby
opening countless non-polluting homesteads!
4) Being both employer and employed, we will print money on the basis of labor-backed currency! A fluctuating economy would be
eliminated. All labors being rated as a day, ... the length of the day would be determined by the constant spirit of cooperation and
and collective benefit. Through the even distribution of work, a comfortable living will be accessible to all!
5) All education will be state supported for everyone, available throughout their life.
6) An elected committee, without tenure will implement the people's decision's. The Committee will have veto power which will call for a
second and final vote by the people. We will vote our legislatures in and can vote them out without offense!In reflecting upon the nature of our society, we come to discover our true needs and pleasures. It seems we will achieve far more relaxation.
Factories will be scrapped and replaced with small local shops. The neccessity for travelling great distancs to work will be reduced. For without the appeal of greed for power and money we will naturally turn to the more fulfilling pleasures of music, lectures, dancing, sitting around with coffee and talking, taking naps and being content. Maybe our enemies will come to be our friends. We can and must reverse our culture of competition, deceit, and destruction. Replacing competition with cooperation will bring us closer to Gods' summary of life's purpose; Love and Kindness. Amen!!!
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