Horror, fantasy, science fiction, indie & foreign movies. Perfecting the verbal Art of Sarcasm. Politics. Baseball. Wolfdogs. Dark, twisted humor. Spicy food. Good beer. Pop culture. Group howls. Cooking.
Misfits, dreamers, rebels, creative spirits, fellow Rush fans, nonconformists, disturbers of the peace, and anyone else who is equally disgusted with/horrified by the army of flesh-eating conservative turd merchants currently wielding entirely too much power at home and abroad. Due to the overhwleming preponderance of picture-peddling bimbos, geeks, hustlers and snake oil salesmen of every kind, I have disabled the "Friend Add" function on this page. Anyone who wants to can contact me by following this link.
First and foremost - RUSH!!! Aside from that, old school punk, metal & Lollapalooza-era alt-grunge - especially the loud-quiet-loud stuff made famous by Juana's Adicion', the Pumpkins and the Pixies, among others - anything loud, abrasive and obnoxious that makes the ears bleed and sets the brain on fire. I also have a soft spot in my heart for Latin jazz and raucous Irish soccer hooligan drinking anthems, but I really hate soccer.
All-time faves: Blade Runner, Excalibur, Jaws, Close Encounters, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the Lord of the Rings & Matrix trilogies, Lost Highway, Wild at Heart, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Magnolia, V for Vendetta, Where the Buffalo Roam, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, The Blues Brothers, Goodfellas, Nightbreed, The Big Lebowski, Reservoir Dogs, Talk Radio
More recent faves: The Fountain, Pan's Labyrinth, Children of Men, Grindhouse, Amores Perros, Factotum, City of God, Little Children, Old Boy, Audition, A History of Violence, The Proposition, Donnie Darko, Curse of the Golden Flower, House of Flying Daggers, Irreversible, The Departed, Brick, Primer
I don't watch as much as I used to, but when I do, it's baseball (Diamondbacks) mainly. Classic horror and sc-fi tv. Night Stalker, X-Files, Farscape, Star Trek, Buffy, Daily Show, South Park, SNL, Kids In The Hall. Just keep cop shows, courtroom dramas, CSI and that non-stop parade of absurdity known as "reality tv" the FUCK away from me.
Horror fiction. Thought-provoking non-fiction. Krakauer's "Into The Mist" and "Into The Wild", McCammon's "Swan Song", King's "The Stand", Becker's "The Denial of Death", Sam Keen's "The Passionate Life". Anything by Bukowski, Clive Barker or Hunter S. Thompson
Roy Batty, Neil Peart, Hunter S. Thompson, Eric Bogosian, Darren Aronofsky, le Marquis de Sade, Ernest Becker, Randi Rhodes, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Clive Barker, Philip K. Dick, David Lynch, Jello Biafra, Serj Tankian, Michael Moore, Lloyd Dobler, Keith Olbermann, Chris McCandless...just to name a few.