Especially DEATH NOTE...Is that not the coolest show ever?,the Color green (something about it)...
Star Wars from the time frame when the Jedi were badasses not pusses
goth but without dressing up...collecting movies (DVDs)filmmaking/production of movies/music/Etc..//Ebay//SciFi
MOPAR..good coffee
good and bad Beer
Lord of the Rings...UFOs, Loch Ness...
Noise...Soundtracks..Rare CDs..Science in many forms (Psych degree, but who cares?)
and of course cute little puppies!
And possibly yer mom...
Punk, Metal, Ambient, Folk, Experimental, Goth, Silence, Opera, Industrial, Noise, Hip-hop, Techno, Jumpstyle, Grind, Medieval, Tribal, J-Rock, J-Pop, Rap, Funk, Hardcore, Classical, Country (Oh wait I don't like Country,... except Johnny Cash), Avant-Garde, Jazz, Avant-Garde Jazz, Soundtrack, Darkwave, Ska, Emo, Screamo, and sometimes I'm not in the mood for music at all. Turn that down you rapscallions! Damn Hellions!
Star Wars esp. the trilogy, Lord of the Rings, Dazed & Confused, High Fidelity, Serenity, Serendipity, War of the Worlds, Better Off Dead, Starship Troopers, Evil Dead trilogy, Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis, Pulp Fiction, Brick, Snatch, Fight Club, Haunted Castle, The Notebook, Secondhand Lions, Waking Life, Cowboy Bebop the Movie, 12 Monkeys, Sky Captain, The Princess Bride, Time Bandits, Labyrinth, Spirited Away, Big Fish, American Beauty, Being John Malkovich, Close Encounters, and American Grafitti. Lately I gotta add Hot Fuzz and 28 Weeks Later...(And this list already seems old but at least I've ballparked it)
I like Adult Swim on Cartoon Network...That's favorite! Plus Family Guy, History Channel, Military Channel, The Daily Show, South Park, and of course the Greatest show of All TIme DEATH NOTE.
H G Wells, Oscar Wilde, Kurt Vonnegut, Tolkien, I do like some Star Wars books and Piers Anthony stuff and of Course all Hitchhiker's Guide books..I tend to read slow (On purpose) but often...I also read nonfiction (Well some would argue that) about the Paranormal, UFOs, Astral Projection, Metaphysics, Ancient Astronauts, Witches, Ghosts, Dreams...etc.
My Mom + Dad, Nikola Tesla , Einstein, Jesus, Nobel because he invented Dynamite, OK Maybe I mean the Peace Prize, Sinichiro Watanabe, The Gestalt Psychologists, Anyone who stands up and does the right thing no matter how much pressure is on them...Even if it means standing up to people/corporations/Gov't and telling them to F-Off!...Like that Chinese guy in front of the Tank on the way to Tiannenmen...I'd like to give that guy a million bucks!