DEADSPEAK (Guitar/Vokills), DETHRONED (Guitar/Vokills), Music, Art, Tattoos (, indie flicks, Guns (I am from Wyoming), My Xbox 360 and Wii, Boxing (Ricky Hatton!), Football (Chargers), Printing T-shirts, Airbrushing, Old school gore flicks, Serial Killers, True Crime and a plethera of other crap I dont have time for.
Aborted* Acid Bath* Amon Amarth* Amorphis (old)* Anthrax (old)* At The Gates* Behemoth* Belphegor* Black Sabbath* Blood Duster* Botch* Burnt By The Sun* Carcass* Cattle Decapitation* Celtic Frost* Cephalic Carnage* Circle Of Dead Children* Commit Suicide* Coroner* Crotchduster* Dark Funeral* Death* Deathbound* Decapitated* Destruction* Dismember* Dissection* Dissenter* Edge Of Sanity (older)* Emperor* Entombed (old)* Exhumed* Gadget* Goatwhore* God Dethroned* Harakiri* High On Fire* Hypocrisy* Immortal* Impaled* Inhume* Iron Maiden (old)* Jigsore Terror* Johnny Cash (even before he got cool again)* Kalibas* Kreator* Leng Tch'e* M.O.D.* Mastadon* Misery Index* Misfits* Municipal Waste* Myrkskgog* Napalm Death* Nasum* Necrophagist* Neuraxis* Obituary* Opeth* Origin* Pelican* Pig Destroyer* Possessed* Ramones* Rotten Sound* Rush* S.O.D.* Saturnus* Sigh* Slayer (old)* Social Distortion* Sodom* Soilent Green* Suffocation* Suicidal Tendencies (old)* The Accused* The Black Dahlia Murder* The Mandrake* The Red Chord* The Reverend Horton Heat* Vader* Venom* Vomitory* Zyclon* 1349* To name a few.
Casino, Hellraiser (1,2,4), Maniac, The Evil Dead trilogy, Night Of The Living Dead series, Orgasmo, Anchorman, Rudy, Ichi The Killer, Gozu, Super Troopers, True Romance, Big Lebowski, Conan the Barbarian, Fargo, Usual Suspects, Gummo, Goodfellas, Fight Club, Happiness, Dawn Of The Dead (2k4), Night Of The Creeps, fuckin Karate Kid, Clerks 1&2, Star Wars, Empire and Jedi, Rawhead Rex, Revenge Of The Nerds, Decline Of The Western Civilization 2: The Metal Years (fuckin Odin!) Julian Donkey Boy, Boyz N' Tha Hizood, Trekkies, Toxic Avenger, Necromantik 1&2, Phantasm 1&2, Moving, The Devils Rejects, King Of The Ants, Cannonball Run, Alien 1&2, Does Thriller count as a movie?
The Office, The Simpsons, Metalocalypse, Ultimate Fighter, Dexter as well as other mind numbing brainwashing crap.
I'm pretty sure I read one time that people who read are self righteous pricks.
Not neccessarily in this order...