Divided Sky! You're peaceful and content, and would
like nothing more than to run out and fly a
kite on a nice summer day. Your personality is
complex and has several different facets, but
in general you just tend to be in a good mood,
which is why everyone likes you so much.
Anyone else who's into good music.
the Phish, Moe., the Duo, Lotus, SCI, Weezer, Mike and Leo/Duo/whoever he is playing with, Downtown Harvest (definitly check these guys out if your in the Philly/NYC area)
Shaolin Soccer...anyone who hasnt seen that movie needs to right away.....what are you doing still reading this...GO....GO SEE IT....NOW
24....the only thing on television worth never missing besides maybe Lost...although Lost is getting old with every new episode raising new questions and answering none of the old ones...im losing my patience Lost...I am.
Mike G...thats it, I want to be like Mike