Leila profile picture


Life should not be measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of things that take

About Me

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You scored as White. White represents purity, calmness and innocense, and you fit all this. You are angelic to the core and would never dream of hurting anyone on purpose. The events of this world tend to shock you and you cannot wait to escape to a better place. You believe in the good of people. Your kind and loving nature makes you very hard to resist.


















Which Colour Represents You???
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My Interests

You Are a Newborn Soul
You are tolerant, accepting, and willing to give anyone a chance.
On the flip side, you're easy to read and easily influenced by others.
You have a fresh perspective on life, and you can be very creative.
Noconformist and nontraditional, you've never met anyone who's like you.

Inventive and artistic, you like to be a trendsetter.
You have an upbeat spirit and you like almost everything.
You make friends easily and often have long standing friendships.
Implusive and trusting, you fall in love a little too easily.

Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?

I'd like to meet:

What kind of kiss are you?
Shoe size:
Hat size:
Do you like hats?
Why do you like them?
Do you wear armnets?
You are... a fun kiss
You feel like.. a secret kiss, lustful and romantic
....this many people want to kiss you 481029716
Your perfect moment on the bathroom
Your pace is slow and steady
Your lips are amazingly perfect

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Name: Leila
Birthday: August 3, 1975
Birthplace: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Current Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'2"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Muslim
The Shoes You Wore Today: Baby Phats
Your Weakness:
Your Fears: Spiders
Your Perfect Pizza: Veggie
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To aquire a million dollars
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up: Hit the snooze
Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes
Your Bedtime: Early in the morning
Your Most Missed Memory: My Puppy
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Both
Do you Smoke: sometimes
Do you Swear: yes
Do you Sing: rarely
Do you Shower Daily: yes
Have you Been in Love: yes
Do you want to go to College: already did
Do you want to get Married: not really
Do you belive in yourself: yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: I dont think so
Do you think you are Attractive: yes
Are you a Health Freak: no
Do you get along with your Parents: yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: definately
Do you play an Instrument: no
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes
In the past month have you Smoked: yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no YUCK!
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Possibly
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been called a Tease: lol
Ever been Beaten up: no
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: Is there really a good way to die?
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a multi-millionaire
What country would you most like to Visit: there are many i would like to see
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: green
Favourite Hair Color: brown
Short or Long Hair: short
Height: taller than me
Weight: as long as it fits
Best Clothing Style: nice clothes
Number of Drugs I have taken: lol
Number of CDs I own: dont know
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of things in my Past I Regret: I have no regrets

My Blog

My top 10

I just happend to get a call this morning after only 3 hours of sleep, and cant go back to sleep, which is going to make for a very, very long day, since I work 12 hour night shifts. So, what could be...
Posted by Jameela on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:08:00 PST

~You Gain Strength Overcoming Obstacles~

..> ~You Gain Strength Overcoming Obstacles~ Sooner or later you'll encounter a crisis in your life, and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success. Since the beginning of ti...
Posted by Jameela on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:57:00 PST

blog, blog, blog

So I never really got into the blog thing, but for some reason or another, I am feeling the need to write another one. I guess what brought this one on is the fact that since I moved from my house mos...
Posted by Jameela on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 02:36:00 PST


I am so bored, that I am resulting in typing a blog for entertainment. No, this is not going to be some big meaningful philosophy on life or love, just some random piles of word vomit (blaaaaahhhhhh, ...
Posted by Jameela on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:07:00 PST


I want everyone to know about my precious puppy, the dedication he has for me, and the dedication I have for him. From the very day I brought him home he has been the greatest joy in my life. As...
Posted by Jameela on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 01:48:00 PST