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make a difference

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I created this page for people to become aware of societies problems. If we do not start to do something about it now then imagine what kind of world your child will be living in by the time he or she has kids. You have 1 mouth and two hands. When one person speaks for a cause, it helps other voices speak up and eventually people can no longer cover their ears but listen to the problems. When one person uses their hands they can help but when the whole community helps imagine how much faster things will get done. Before you know it, with the help of you and others, we could be living in a better world.A lot of people think the world’s problems don’t affect them. IT AFFECTS US ALL!!!!! With the way statistics are going those problems will affect a friend of a friend, a coworker, a distant family member, you child, and eventually you. Let’s stop it before it gets any further.A few things I want to see a difference in: (all of which is posted on my site) The stop of Child abuse, recycling, an end to pollution, stopping animal cruelty, awareness of diseases and cancers, harsher punishment for ALL criminals, better counseling for youth and adults that has had to suffer being sexually abused (molestation and rape), help save pit-bull animals, an end to racism, homosexuality’s have rights, an end to animal experiments, stop human trafficking, and many other problems we face with today.I will be posting blogs on these subjects. The purpose of these blogs are so you can become aware, things we can do to stop them, and important information that we all need to know. I will also be listing activities that go on in communities that deal with any of these topics so we can all start to join together to make a change. (If you would like to know what is going on in your community please send me a message and I will be glad to find out any information for you.)I have a few videos on my site that strongly touched me that is worth taken a look at. I have come across some other videos that talk about these topics but unfortunately I can not put them all on my site. Under my videos in my favorites I have put these videos there so you can see them as well.In my picture profile, I have posted some pictures that are worth taken a look at. (WARNING: SOME PICTURES ARE HARD TO LOOK AT, but I have posted them for you to see what is going on in today’s world.) I will be putting some short information under some of these pictures or will list a comment on a few things you can do yourself to help.If you have any questions, concerns, or important information that you would like to discuss with me please feel free to send me a comment or a message. I always welcome them. It doesn’t take a whole lot to make a difference, just one mouth and/or two hands. Even without that, all it takes is a HEART!!! REMEMBER, IF YOU WON’T HELP SOCIETY THEN WHO WILL?

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Homosexuality is a SIN?
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Youth for Human Rights International

My Blog

stop seal hunt- boycott Red lobster

Check out this video: canadian seal hunt Add to My Profile | More VideosRED LOBSTER SUPPORTS THE KILLING OF CUB SEALS The Canadian commercial seal "hunt" is the largest mass slaughter of m...
Posted by make a difference on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 04:39:00 PST