poetry, heavy metal, death metal,thrash metal, beach, snow boarding, body boarding, movies, traveling, ghosts, the strange, the unexplained. Getting lost and trying to find my way back, haunted houses, weird NJ magazine, the cure, david lynch, german expressionism, movies(did i mention that yet?)Rammstein, placebo,art,pixies,joy division,the dead milkmen cyberpunk movies,ghosts and the paranormal,the unexplained
George Romero, Bruce Campbell,Sam Raimi, houdini, that lead singer from the silence kit-his band is great,adrien brody, james dean,Takashi Miike,john landis, stephen king,john carpenter,David Carradine,stephen chow,Someone who will change my life
Arch enemy, deftones, the cure, coceau twins, blur, bad religion,joy division, genesis(older tunes),jesus and mary chain, twelve tribes,sonic youth,gwar,bad religion,urge overkill,nirvana,bad brains, jesus and mary chain, david bowie,
undead, high tension, shaun of the dead, this is spinal tap,army of darkness, donnie darko, lost in translation, trainspotting, branded to kill,evil dead 1 and 2, reanimator and bride of reanimator,uzumaki,gozu,wicker man,samurai fiction,shogun assassin,crouching tiger hidden dragon,hero,kung fu hustle,lawrence of arabia,el mariachi, memento,ong bak, raiders of the lost ark, resevoir dogs,fight club,3 extremes, 2046,the lost boys, the truman show, farewell my concubine, 3-iron,memoirs of a geisha,american pyscho, the rules of attraction, a tale of two sisters,plaga zombie-mutant zone, the last minute, pistol opera, moon child, saw 1 and 2, born into brothels, bullit, 5 fingers of death, deathrace 2000, snatch, the salton sea, young adam, the jacket, just friends, 40 year old virgin, lords of dogtown, requiem for a dream
the shield, rescue me, nip/tuck, coupling(bbc), benny hill, the young ones, the league of gentlemen, the office(bbc and american).24, lost, Ghost Hunters, mulberry, Wire in the blood, touching evil
"Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak, "Cable" Clive Barker, "The Dark Half" "The Shining" Stephen King, "Weird NJ" Scuerman&Moran, Ghosts and Hauntings, Mysteries of the unknown-Phantom Encounters, on the beach, the rules of attraction, less than zero
My dad-no matter what life throws at him or what happens he always prevails stronger. My mom shes an amazing artist and always has these mind blowing ideas. CountRockula he is an inspiration with his movies.