GOOD music, watching television, coolin' with friends...
Jesus(When that time comes!), Dave Chappelle, Questlove, James Poyser, Nikki Jean, Cas Haley, Omar Edwards, Common, The Winans Family, The Hawkins Family, The Williams Brothers...width="350" height="425" ..
I love music too much to just name a select few. My taste is mad different, ranging from James Hall to James Taylor.I love GOOD music!Shine Your Light Radio's podcast
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Shaun of The Dead, Lord of The Rings, Hot Fuzz, The Matrix, Nacho Libre, Napoleon Dynamite, Smokin' Aces, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Bamboozled, Do The Right Thing, School Daze, He Got Game, She Hate Me, Crooklyn, The Usual Suspect, Transformers...
Heroes, Cops(the early 90's episodes), The Simpsons, Top Model,Thundercats, Knight Rider, Incredible Hulk, The Unit, Chuck, Survivor, The Boondocks, Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Bible
My Pop because he stuck around!