Somehow, we always knew we're gonna form a band...sooner or later. Ljuba (bass) and Dasko (vocals) are
best friends since they were kids and whole their lives, they were a part of the punk scene through various
crap such as fanzines and other stuff that won't give you any material satisfaction at all.
Then Ljuba met Nenad, who was just about to start learning to play guitar, and then they got together in some
damp woodshed in Ribnjak in the early spring of 2000, for a first rehearsal on which Dasko tried to compete with
walls of noise created by these three self-taught musicians, with his un-amplified vocals...
First drummer was Milos, who was soon to be replaced with Chiatto. Unfortunate guy just came to OUR rehearsal
because he missed the rehearsal of HIS band, we picked him and kept him for good. That's how you got your
ultimate RED UNION line-up...
And so, since then we are constantly progressing and moving on... So far, we played 70-something gigs. In our homeland and we did two nice European tours. We hit the studio on several occasions. Our debut full-length "Rebel Anthems" is out on a German label Bandworm records. So, if you enjoy the punkrock done in the vein of
The Clash, SLF mixed with some recent US streetpunk will find us simply amazing. Right now we're recording our second album (working title: "Blackbox Recorder"). We are not a political
band in sense of slogan shouting and banner-waving for some party but we sure as hell stand for justice and
against all kinds of discrimination.
Oh, and if someone really wants to know where the name came from, here's the brief but uninteresting story:
RED UNION was a brand of chino-pants produced by Yumco, Serbia's largest textile manufacturer. We all got those
pants cause they were cheap but more than suitable substitute for cool looking US army trousers. It immediately
sounded like a good band or organization name. RED UNION stuff is no longer produced because a massive
investigation showed that Yumco was selling the major part of the whole production to the Albanian separatist
paramilitaries in Kosovo, who used it as an official uniform in their combat against Serbian army and police.RED UNION, more than just a band!
RED UNION, four guys making music and having a say!
RED UNION, fighting for what's right since 2000...Actually, we're in it for the girls!NOVE MAJICE!