TOST(The End) profile picture

TOST(The End)

About Me

Tost was formed in autumn 2001. when 5 school friends decided to form a band. A year later first change was made when Iskra filled in as a drummer. Soon they had their first show on the local demo bands festival Ri-rock. After that first demo ''Brže, više, žešce'' followed. Since, they played a bunch of gigs in Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia. In autumn 2005. Zbuks had to leave the band and his place was filled by Brajko. At the same time Pajo replaced Iskra. That line-up recorded the second demo ''La marionetta'' under various DIY distributions in October 2006. Pretty soon Iskra returns to the band to complete their present line-up: Kmiglio(vocals), Pero(lead guitar), Brajko(rythm guitar), Dundo(bass/vocals), Iskra(drums). Tost was and is influenced by different styles of music and bands, from punk-rock to hardcore and metal. Tost's present music is defined as hardcore punk with socially-political lyrics. Currently. band is working on new audio material and planing a video that is soon to come.. .

My Interests


Member Since: 12/26/2005
Band Website: none
Band Members:
Tomislav Matic:
Lead vocal
Darijan Dundovic:
Bass, back vocals
Sven Jelovic:
Petar Brkovic:
Lead guitar
Ivan Brajkovic:
Rhythm guitar, back vocals
Influences: a lot of melodic punk-rock bands as well as many metal and hardcore bands...
Record Label: D.I.Y.

My Blog

this is the end,tosta vise nema

uh...nikad nisam mislio da cu pisati ove sljedece retke.tost vise ne postoji.kraj je.raspali smo se sluzbeno.sedam godina duga prica,prica koja je mene izgradila kao covjeka donjela mi mnogo srece i v...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Dec 2008 08:44:00 GMT

Odlazak bubnjara dolazak bubnjara bla bla

Dobar dan onima koji znaju citat i citaju ovo.Naime, Vedran Iskra je ped par dana odlucio napustiti Tost i svoju poziciju bubnjara. Razlozi su osobni i nadam se da se nitko od nas ne ljuti na njega, j...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 06:04:00 GMT

new one... check it out!!!

evo upravo smo stavili 2 nove stvari gore sa engleskim tekstovima/pjevanjem. pa kome se svidi super. kome ne opet dobro. pozdrav! ml
Posted by on Sun, 18 May 2008 15:21:00 GMT


Evo ga,nakon novog dizajna oko kojeg se potrudila nasa Dorja, stigao je i Ep sa 4 nove stvari snimljene kod naseg prijatelja Davora Pilepica na Voloskom, u Depandansi. Stvari se mogu skinut i poslusat...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 14:45:00 GMT

New design!!!

Dorja° says (12:26):hm, kaj da maknem to ili?Vedran says (12:26):da. i samo napisi novi dizajn by Dorja :DVedran says (12:27):sunce bog i batinaDorja° says (12:27):lolsou.. novi dizajn by fleshettes
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 18:58:00 GMT