The Insurgents profile picture

The Insurgents


About Me

A brain-teaser that tosses ideologies in a narrative blender alternately set to "certainty" and "ambiguity," The Insurgents makes the most of its compact cast of attractive thesps... consistently engaging food for thought... suspense is white hot.
The Insurgents flashes by... the hurried, don't-look-back quality of the story a perfect reflection of its subjects' fractured lives.
Broward-Palm Beach New Times
Outstanding actors and an ominous scenario make this political chamber play one of the must-see contributions to the festival. A film which is as important as it is controversial.
Explosiveness comes through the American film The Insurgents which takes a critical attitude in relation to US politics.
Bremer Nachrichten
The Independent section shines with The Insurgents (USA) by Scott Dacko.
Bremer 9/2006
The Oldenburg Film Festival, predominantly specializing in independent productions originating from the USA, offered its visitor a worthy class. Films like The Insurgents have definitely earned their right to a theatrical release.
Blickpunkt Film
A politically provocative film.
Filmecho Filmwoche
With outstanding actors the director sketches a critical scenario about how terrorism develops, without plunging into the usual cliches.
Film Fernsehen
This year's audience award, worth 2000 euro, went to the film The Insurgents. Debut director Scott Dacko's work reflects on how terrorism develops, and pairs the whole with biting criticism of the US-American government.
Bremer Anzeiger
The Insurgents is a Chinese-box of a thriller...
The politically provocative film about American terrorism emerges as an intelligent thriller about confidence and betrayal.
Hunte Report
First highlight of the Independent Section: (unsettling for American politics) thriller The Insurgents.
Delme Report
A critical scenario is being sketched, about how terrorism develops.
Nordwest Zeitung
Mary Stuart Masterson will be a further well-known face on the screen of Cinemaxx. Masterson, known from her part in Fried Green Tomatoes, got involved with the low budget production The Insurgents. Background: Being an avid Bush-critic she was pleased by the daring attitude of the thriller towards US politics.
The public favourite of the festival, however, became a debut film, which urgently and intensively searches out the causes of terrorism. The Insurgents by Scott Dacko received the audience prize for the best film of the Independent Section. "This honour helps us, because of the festival's great reputation in the United States," said the happy director. Next to him his mentor was beaming with joy: regular visitor of the festival, John Gallagher is a producer of the film. He had convinced Torsten Neumann to invite Dacko to Oldenburg.
Weser Kurier
Highlight of the Independent Section: The Insurgents.
A provocative polit-thriller... complex and dynamic...
MoX Veranstaltungsjournal
The real revolution starts today... it's quite a feat.
PC Magazine
Home | Film | The Insurgents produced by Revel Films , Angel Baby Entertainment and Full Glass Films

My Interests

The usual. Bombs and girls.

I'd like to meet:

Others to stand with us, with nothing to lose but their chains, and the faith that this great country of ours can be saved.


Mary Stuart Masterson: What attracted you to The Insurgents?

John Shea: What attracted you to The Insurgents?

John Shea: What is it like working with a first time director?


Nathan Hale, Malcolm X

My Blog

Insurgents Invade New York: November 9th

The Insurgents opens Friday November 9th at the Cobble Hill Cinema in Brooklyn! Advance tickets are available: Come to the gala premiere at 10 PM - John...
Posted by The Insurgents on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 09:34:00 PST

DVD Release - The Insurgents!

A lot of people have been waiting patiently for an Insurgents DVD, we are very pleased to announce that Slamdance Media Group and Allumination Filmworks have picked up our title for release in the US ...
Posted by The Insurgents on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 08:02:00 PST

Best Feature - Long Island International Film Expo

The Insurgents won Best Feature at the Long Island International Film Expo, as well as a Finishing Fund Grant from the Long Island Film/TV Foundation. The Insurgents was the opening night film of the ...
Posted by The Insurgents on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 09:27:00 PST

Variety review, from the Avignon Film Festival

The Paris Varity reviewer caught the film in Avignon and posted this review, the first for The Insurgents in a major publication:A brain-teaser that tosses ideologies in a narrative blender alternatel...
Posted by The Insurgents on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:27:00 PST

Palm Beach Winner - Best Screenplay

Happy to annouce that The Insurgents took the Best Screenplay award at the 2007 Palm Beach International Film Festival. More here......
Posted by The Insurgents on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:57:00 PST

First Reviews are in! Palm Beach Intl Film Fest

We got an early review from the Broward-Palm Beach New Times, the very first the film has revieved in the States. Pretty cool.The Insurgents The movie opens with these words: "If you're watching this ...
Posted by The Insurgents on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:23:00 PST

The Insurgents Wins In Oldenburg!

Okay, so some of you already know this, but "The Insurgents" took the German Independence Audience Award for Best Picture in it's world premiere screening. I'll provide a full report as soon as I retu...
Posted by The Insurgents on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 03:11:00 PST

The story of the $1 truck

Before I even had the idea to write the script, my wife told a story about a patient who worked security at the Indian Point nuclear power plant. He joked about the guys who delivered water, how th...
Posted by The Insurgents on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:21:00 PST

Making an Indie Film: The Insurgents featured in PC Magazine

There's a great article on The Insurgents in the May 23rd issue of PC Magazine. Their reporter, Cade Metz, lived with us on set for a couple days and wrote about how changes in technology have made it...
Posted by The Insurgents on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:26:00 PST