sociology, 20th century fiction, midgets in puppy suits, lesbians in parrot costumes, semantics, watching people fall apart, trainwrecks, money shots, spit for lube, drunk sickness, people over 50 and under 10 smoking cigarettes, trash in recycling bins, children under 5 with tv's in their rooms, sex workers, human infrastructure/rapid trasit systems, sisyphus, "gays", women/people of color/immigrants/homos who vote republican, late term abortions, trash eaters, trash in recycling bins, players, haters, vocab words, daros, douchebags, terror, cultural criticism, enemas, spanish films, beards, gold chains 'n' chest hair, deliberate masculine posturing, aging/corporeal deterioration, Spanish/South African/Argentine/Israeli guys, straight-bashing, porn, fucking. Dislikes: sports fans, straight guys (one in the same, more or less) who call me a faggot when I fail to echo their inane straight male sports enthusiasm, the unbelievable num ber of skeezy straight girls of questionable literacy who send me friend requests, the endless number of "male-seeking-female" themed ads who use whores for bait on Myspace, people who take an eternity to make right turns onto one-way streets, normative gender adherents, people with children, people with children who flank the sidewalk one-by-five (since they're much more important than me, as they have children), fratboys and sorority sluts, thugs who sneak into my apartment building to smoke blunts and spit on the floor, SUV's (I really hate those), my upstairs neighbor (who jumps up and down and screams "YEAA, BITCH! while watching football on Sunday), passive female drivers in luxury cars who insist on talking on their cell phones, old people, anti-gay marriage proponents (and their feeble attempts to qualify "love"), people who stink, bleeding heart liberal hypocrites, people who loudly reiterate tv shows to their coworkers, women who toss their hair around and expect that you move around them, low income housing, credit card bills, cilantro, mushrooms, large tomatoes, and STD's.
Other queer dudes with ink. New buddies, bros, partners in crime. Red meat-eating, automatic weapon-carrying heterophobes bent on claiming a place in society somewhat better than that of a cultural minstrel.
classical, electro, rawk, singing to myself.
Star 80, Requiem for a Dream, Full Metal Jacket, Sorceror, Naked, 28 Days Later, 101 Reykjavik, The Flower of my Secret, All About My Mother, Bad Education, Edward Scissorhands, The Hunger, Titus, Beetlejuice, Taxi Driver, The Exorcist,The Saddest Music in the World, The Mission, Dangerous Liasons, Barfly, Dr. Strangelove, Deconstructing Harry, Manhattan, Melinda and Melinda, The Shining, Amelie, The Royal Tenenbaums, Girl 6, Summer of Sam, The Station Agent, Romper Stomper, Serial Mom, King Kong, Lord of the Rings, Chinatown, Fargo, Alien, Aliens, Alien Vs. Predator, U-Turn, Natural Born Killers, Jackie Brown, Blue Velvet, Fire Walk With Me, Defending Your Life, Rosemary's Baby, Casino, The Grifters, JFK, Apocalypse Now, Fight Club, Legend, Half Baked, Death and the Maiden, Vertigo, Marnie, The Birds, Being John Malkovich, Dune, Fatal Attraction/Basic Instinct, The Young Poisoner's Handbook, Indiana Jones (all of them), Elizabeth, The Silence of the Lambs, 'Round Midnight, Kalifornia, Battle Royale, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, The Omen, The Time Machine, A Clockwork Orange (it becomes tamer every time I see it). Directors: Luis Bunuel, Ingmar Bergman, Woody Allen, David Cronenberg, Pedro Almodovar, Spike Lee, Stanley Kubrick, Adrian Lyne, Ridley Scott, Martin Scorsese, Werner Herzog, Bob Fosse, David Lynch, Alfred Hitchcock, Christopher Guest, Roman Polanski, Oliver Stone, Tim Burton, Hector Babenco, Darren Aronofsky, Paul Verhoeven.
i hate tv. fuck everyone who loves it.
Another Country, Imagica, Cruddy, The Master and Margarita, 1984, Querelle, The Plague, Giovanni's Room, We So Seldom Look on Love, The Painted Bird, Steppenwolf.
My Mum, my sisters, my friends. Oh, and Eric Bana. And daros who wear thongs. Actually any daros. And trash eaters who can conquer salmonella and dysentery. Oh, and lesbian sexworkers who can take it in the ass for over an hour at a time from douchebag straight guys.