Grandchildren, family, swimming, hiking, camping, investing, looking at houses, Ebay, cultural change towards a sustainable paradigm, Kama Sutra, growing food, earth shelter design, solar energy, fuel cell development, hydrogen, meditation, healthy living, eye contact, archery, fencing, hunting, fishing, Computer games (Civilization, Master of Orion, Railroad Tycoon, Age of Empires, Warcraft, Starcraft, Halo, Privateer, Alpha Centari),
Yeshua bin Miriam ..
Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Beatles, Rush, Yes, Bread, Doors, Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, Mr. Mister, Journey, Phil Keaggy, John Michael Talbot, Messiah Prophet Band, Alabama, Kansas, Chicago, Jefferson Starship, Foghat, Who, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Beethoven, Mozart, J.S. Bach., Amy Grant, Frank Zappa, AC-DC, John Mellencamp, Bob Segar,U2, Aerosmith, Grateful Dead, Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Peter Gabriel
Waynes World, Forest Gump, An Inconvenient Truth, Who Killed the Electric Car, What the Bleep, Quest for the Holy Grail, Lord Of the Rings, Star-Wars, Flags of Our Father,
Discovery channel, Nova, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Flip That House, CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, BBC, Animal Planet, PBS, Comedy Central, Bugs Bunny, Babylon 5, Star Trek,
Torah, Bible, Quran, Vedas, The Iliad, The Odyssey, Clan of the Cave Bear, Tolkien, Arthur C Clarke, Rendezvous with Rama (1972), Isaac Asimov, Foundation trilogy (1950-530); Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time (1988), Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars (1992), T. A. Heppenheimer, Colonies in Space (1977)
My wife Emily who has shown the meaning of loving devotion in raising our children, The soldiers doing their duty with honor, Yuri Gagarin, Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Valentina Tereshkova, Jacques Cousteau, Valeriy Vladimirovich Polyakov, Tenzin Gyatso