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We are all aliens of earth. Whether God created us or we happened to be the bacteria on the meteorite that banged into the earth millions of years ago, we were not originally of this earth and therefore aliens. How about that for the big bang theory?

What if heaven is the restructure of our matter as we break down from our living organism to join with all other matter that is unseen but still deemed living? What if that matter connects and drifts toward the nearest and greatest energy source to us, the sun? What if the light people see, when they start to die, is the brief break down and the matter drifting toward the other matter which drifts toward the sun, which could do so at speed unaccountable to our living organisms? Light travels far faster than we can do so. How far does matter travel? If we exist, then we are matter, even while broke down, which is life. But I have a question, if we are broke down and spun by gravity and pull and restructure of mass into another galaxy, can we be caught by another world, like our own, and pulled into it to be reborn into life there? And then, if life is connected by some miracle and matter is smart, which is a question I have yet to dive into, do we know, have the instinctive knowledge that life continues and therefore the reason we cannot throw away the possibility of life after. That great hope…is it somewhere in the knowledge of our own matter? How old are we really? Well hell, I believe in life…do you?

We begin with the sum of all things, whatever it is. And we divide and separate, some collapsing back into the sum and other parts moving forward in motion to develop, we have the split origins from the sum itself. We have creations of the creator. And all things split from the sum to form creations of creations of the creator, added to by the sum that was divided, to equal the sum. All parts representing such splits from the original sum negates time in weighing their very existence if you conclude that all existence when put back together again would equal the sum. Therefore, we may take time out of the factor by that simple conclusion. But for those who say that the splits change the form of all existence through time, we have to look at what we are if not a part of existence when we end. If we can conclude that what is left of all things that break down is a non-existent thing, in any way, then you will have proved that time was relative to begin with. And if we do not exist where did we go and is the balance of existence changed on our behalf? And if the sum was a part of all things to begin with and split to make all parts that are the split of the sum, are those parts not a part of the sum itself? And if we conclude that we simply cease to exist and are nothing whatsoever after, what becomes of the sum that was the part of existence to begin with? But to be non-existent, we would be the anti to the existent factor, the very balance of what is, and again…the sum. The sum is every part of every part. And if we can get there with or without time on both sides, then time was actually timeless in the weighing factor of all things.

I'd like to meet:

(hopefully, shall I find a publisher & agent that will bravely take me on)

Shattering The Glass
Stained Glass Pieces of a Soul
Writen by H.C.H.

The Parting of Innocence- They say, we lose our innocence somewhere along the way. I say, whoever said that did not look closely enough into their looking glass. They say we have our seasons. True enough, I round them out with my spring fancies, my summer drifts, my fall preparations, and winter truths. And sometimes the seasons are backwards and jumbled until I know not which goes with what. I cast about, cloaking myself once more until I come around and stare yet again disbelieving, but this time I could not look away. All masks dropped away and there I was. And so I say then, we are not so lost to innocence at any time. Our innocence has become that much more we do not see or know. I knew at some point, that my ignorant state, the true state of it in the scheme of everything. I knew that there were no answers perhaps for anyone or me. Oh, yes, perhaps there were answers to small things, like those I find shortly and eloquently after such searching. But the big things, where we come from, where we are going, the why of it, I do not know such and never can. I can maybe…ponder about such, until I die blissfully for such company met in which I could share such hopes or thoughts, or not. I realized somewhere along the way that I need not know answers to everything. I could not know everything. I became, myself, and cleaved to what had made me enhanced, steadier maybe. Nonetheless, I could walk about now, and embrace truly, for my acceptance of not knowing. Now perhaps, my reflection will not be a stranger to me anymore. It is the single most un-changed, of which I thought mattered most. I hope to un-change some more.

I sit here wondering if love is all the mystery it seems to be. It seems, to me, to hide within its shadows. Elusive would be a better word to describe love. For when it is there, that is it, it is just there, existing. And when it is not, it is hiding or plainly not there. The actual mystery may be in the hiding spot where that love hides, between the time that it is felt and seen.

I cannot think it is mystery if I take it as is, embracing its whole when it does show, and then letting it be as it may. So why the questioning of love, and what it is, or how it is, always? Why is there a need to search it out? Perhaps, it is not the searching of love itself that I am looking for an answer to. More, I am searching who I am, when I go with or without it. That in my searching, what I really want is to fulfill my need to know the answer to the question of, can I survive without it.

I try to find a way to make myself count when it goes away from me, hiding in its shadows once more. I suppose that depends on what I see of myself then doesn’t it? Love was always a selfless thing, to search ‘it’ out made it a selfish act, and all along, the searching should be done of my inner self, not the object of my want.

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My Blog


Chess- Life was like the cycle of a budding flower. Perhaps this was why we went in circles in life, trying to get it right each time. Until there was no more déjà vu, we had to re-live the moment o...
Posted by ¿ on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:17:00 PST


We stood looking into one another's eyes, for what equaled a measure of twenty heart beats. There was a crisp sharp breeze of scent that drifted into my smelling range through the thick clog of my thr...
Posted by ¿ on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:08:00 PST

Excerpt Chapter 1 When Souls Collide

This is what I have been working on ...forever, it seems. It is done, the whole manuscript. I am searching for an agent, but I have had no luck as yet. So here, enjoy the preview of my work that I hop...
Posted by ¿ on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 03:03:00 PST

The Summer Song

The Summer Songby H.C.H.We weep what we stow... And I lay there, thinking of you. My hand drifted once more, as if there would be something there, next to me in this bed. As though that one time,...
Posted by ¿ on Fri, 25 May 2007 10:35:00 PST

Random Thoughts

What we take from a moment, gives light to thought for days to come. And such light is the bringer of more thoughts.Then when we find the end of thought, or perhaps it is the pause and not the end, we...
Posted by ¿ on Tue, 22 May 2007 04:17:00 PST