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CJ Jaxon

House Music Saves the Soul....."SINNER"....

About Me

My FRIENDS are the most important asset in my life! However, some assets loose value and must be sold as a loss.....Fortunately, I have made some great investments lately based on current intrisic value, and not on speculative forcast. I feel I have reached a point in my life where I am able to attract those who attract me....meaning, "Great Times and Happy Memories."Let me make myself clear....those with the inability to evolve...STAY AWAY...I have no time or empathy to give to those not ready to listen......."HOUSE MUSIC".MUSIC....The love affair pulled me into the house music scene while at the Miami Music Conference in 2004.Up until now, playing music has been mostly a hobby with a few gigs here and there. However, 2008 hopefully will be a breakout year, as the hobby slowly turns into something more. I can’t even begin to explain the rush I get by playing kick-ass, beautiful, sexy tracks for a large crowd. The people I meet have such a killer vibe and positive spirit; I yearn for more and more and more!Please check my MIXES I post on this site every other month. Drop me an email and let me know what you think. Also to all you Burningman Folks……Hit me up anytime….you are my kind of people…….

My Interests

Music, Photography, More Music, GREAT PEOPLE

I'd like to meet:

Other cool, non-drama people who love music and like to "Bring it on down".


Anything with a kick ass funky chunky beat.....and Sinatra


Too many to list but Forrest Gump comes to mind. WEll Team America also....DIRKA DIRKA


Comedy Central...Discovery...."Oxygen" That's about it.


Can't relax enough to read a whole book. Ok Ok..."The Box Car Kids.".......


My Father, My Father and My Father.....

My Blog

Older Mix "I AM A FOOL"

Posted by CJ Jaxon on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:45:00 PST