Melissa Greener profile picture

Melissa Greener

That you are here... & you may contribute a verse.

About Me

I've never won a song-writing competition and frankly, have stopped entering them. These days I'm more keen on writing songs. and playing them on my guitar. and singing them. for people all over the place. for money. for love. but mostly because I just have to.I was born and reared in Detroit, Michigan on a dark, dreary winter wee morning. I left as soon as I could and have been driving around everywhere but, ever since. I've lived in various places around the world - Europe, Middle East, Far East, Canada, and now in Austin, Texas, USA (the most liveable city in this nation).I once climbed the second highest mountain in the Swiss Alps. I once trekked the second highest mountain range in the world in Slovakia. I once spent two weeks at the holiest mountain in Tibet. I once climbed the Sinai. I once rode my bicycle from Vancouver, British Columbia all the way to North Sydney, Nova Scotia. I once lived in a little village in China where porcelain was discovered 2000 years ago occurring naturally in the ground. I once sailed so far into the Mediterranean I couldn't see land. I once saw so many stars in an Egyptian desert I couldn't see the sky.I have written from a very early age. First journaling. which turned into poetry. which turned into songs. and then MySpace ramblings. My singing started even earlier. I'm told by my mother (who was a lounge singer at the Playboy Club in Detroit, and a classically trained operatic vocalist) that she would hear me through closed door, singing "like a soprano" when I was a very small girl. My mother was a ballerina. My dad is a hippie.I was devastated when I learned that I was born too late to be a hippie. I pretended to be for a while (and owned it quite well I must say). I have been in recovery for the past few years, although I still drive an old Volkswagen van. There are still traces of such modes and mannors in my songs. I believe in "voodoo" - spiritual hooplah - the "feel good" stuff... yes, o.k. Self Help. I'll take all the help I can get. It's there in the songs too.I tour all over the country playing "listening rooms", house concerts, festivals, bars, clubs, theatres, sidewalks, parking lots, and subways. singing truths I've come to believe in. stretching some, only in the name of art!I'm currently recording my 2nd album which will be released when I accumulate a vast pile of dough.Thanks for your tolerance, your interest in learning about me. Above that, thank you for taking the time to listen.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/16/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Melissa Greener - vocals and guitars... and sometimes other friends
Influences: Joni, Shawn Colvin, Paul Simon, Neil, Ani, Nick Drake, Daniel Lanois, Richard Thomson, Emmylou, Robert Service, Dylan, Dylan Thomas, Wilco, Ricky-Lee, Ray Charles, Leonard Cohen, Townes, Ella Fitz, Sarah Vaughan, Billy Holiday, Tom Waits (the earliest stuff), Patty Griffin, Ron Sexsmith, Mark Knopfler, Chet Atkins, Lucinda, Bruce Cockburn, Bill Cosby, Tom Lehrer, Steve and Stacey Earl, Hank Sr., Bach, Townes, Willie, Beach Boys, Steven Stills, Lyle Lovett, Suzanne Vega, all of the Wainwrights and McGarrigles, Def Leppard, Indigo Girls, Dolly Parton, Grateful Dead, Chrissy Hines, The Band, Gram Parsons, Iron & Wine, Patsy Cline, Rogers and Hammerstein and Hart, Cole Porter, George and Ira Gershwin, Berlin and all the Tin Pan Alley cats, Prince, Mozart, The Blues, Miles, Monk, Mingus, Illusions, Annie Hall, WDTE FM in Detroit, my mom and dad...
Sounds Like: all of the above
Record Label: Anima
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Hey y'all...  my first ever music video!  This was shot in the pouring rain during the first week of the 2007 "Big Folk" Kerrville Folk Festival at Patty's camp.  The entire medow of t...
Posted by Melissa Greener on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 02:19:00 PST

that Master Cleanser feeling...

Well, I'm on day 14 of the Master Cleanser... That is to say I "cleansed" for 10 days and now I'm reaclimating to regular life again. The past 2 days I've been eating fruit, raw vegetables, nuts, se...
Posted by Melissa Greener on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:28:00 PST

Acoustic Guitar Magazine Cd review - they like me! they really do!

Acoustic Guitar Magazine Cd ReviewAugust 2006 Issue"Melissa Greener is one of those rare artists who appear on the scene with all their talents maturely developed. Blessed with a glorious, outsized, a...
Posted by Melissa Greener on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 03:10:00 PST

here i come...see you there

Hey there kids, Well, 2 double 0-6 promises great things... Lots of singing on other peoples' records, new songs, Meli-G attaining super-technological powers, a new website to come soon and I REAL...
Posted by Melissa Greener on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 09:29:00 PST