My first contact with the music was in the epoch of institute, thougt it was not playing any instrument and i didn't know of music, but a friend left me his sax, and quicly i knew that the was my instrument. Afterwards, my friends and me created a group of music, which was the first one in I played, and was called ESBARDAL. In this group was playing Kalimotxo ska, a style of jamaican music that I hadn't discovered up to this moment. A long time later, I was in another group of Centelles, so called JAH STALIA, another group of Kalimotxo ska and comercial reggae. I have to say that here I began to do concerts for the whole Catalunya. In this group, I knew the girl with whom I was playing in the AMUSIC SKAZZ BAND. In 1998, I had the opportunity to enter in the Amusic, and the possibility of doing many concerts, a group where really they were playing jamaican music. In this group, I began to do my firts compositions as ECLIPSE, which is recorded a disc of Amusic, specificaly in "Amusical fruits" disc, or Mr VERSATILE on the "Jazzing You" disc of the same group, and Drumming for Don. In 2001, the group dissolved, but i created another group, as the OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. During this epoch, I knew an authentic guitarrist and a great friend, Ahmed who played in SOWETO. Only we could make four concerts and the last one was whith LAUREL AITKEN (the last performance in Barcelona). Another group in which I spent a few years and that I have come back is the THE CABRIANS, though I have been collaborating whith some another's groups like are PAPARAZZI, SOWETO, or THE OLDIANS. Nowadays, I am whith the THE CABRIANS where we have initiated a new project of jamaican music, whithout name yet. During the latter 10 years, I could have shared stage with big like they are: THS SKATALITES, Dr RING DING, MALARIANS, NEW YORK SKA JAZZ ENSEMBLE, RICO RODRIGUEZ (where I collaborate with SOWETO in the documentary "THE LEGACY"), DERRICK MORGAN, DAVID HILLYARD, and LAUREL AITKEN, among others. Also I can say that I have recorded with differents groups which are: JAH STALIA ( Di Ke Si), AMUSIC SKAZZ BAND (Jazzing You), PAPARAZZI ( Play again), and also collaborations in the recording of THE CABRIANS in the themes of Mango Reggae, For a few pussies more, and Tog dick. COMPOSOTIONS: ECLIPSE ( Amusic Skazz Band "Amusical fruits"), Mr. VERSATILE ( Amusic Skazz Band "Jazzing you"), HILDA (dedicated to my cousin, I know that one day we will be there where she is), SUNDAY REGGAE, SKARABEL.LA, DRUMMING FOR DON, INTRO'S BURRU SONG, BLUES SHUFFLE.****************************************************
******El meu 1er contacte amb la musica va ser a l'epoca d'institut, en aquells moments no tocava cap instrument i no savia musica, i un amic em va diexar un saxo i de seguida vaig saber que el saxo era el meu instrument. Al cap de poc amb uns amics vam montar el 1er grup, ens deiem Esbardal i tocavem kalimotxo ska, encara no havia descobert l'autentica musica jamaicana. Despres vaig estar amb un altre grup de Centelles, els Jah Stalia, un altre grup de kalimotxo ska i reggae comercial, va ser aqui on vaig començar a fer concerts per tota Catalunya. En aquest grup grup i vaug coneixer la noia amb qui vaig estar 6 anys, la Nuri Guillen que aleshores estava amb els Amusic Skazz band. Al 1998 tinc la oportunitat d'entrar als Amusic i de fer moltissims concerts, per fi tocava amb un grup de jamaican music. Va ser aqui on vaig començar a fer les meves primeres composicions, Eclipse, gravat al disc del Amusics,"Amusical Fruits" o el Mr Versatile, al disc "Jazzing You" del mateix grup i el Drumming for Don. Al 2001 el grup es dissol i engego un altre grup, els Oportunity Kcnocks. Durant aquesta epoca vaig coneixer el que es un bon guitarrista i millor amic, l'ahmed dels Soweto. Nomes varem fer 4 concerts i l'ultim va ser amb Laurel Aitken (la seva ultima actuacio a Catalunya). Un altre grup que vaig estar i que passats els anys he tornat han estat els The Cabrians, a part he estat col.laborant amb grups com Paparazzi, Soweto o The Oldians. Actualment estic amb The Cabrians i amb un nou projecte de jazz jamaica. Durant aquests 10 anys he compartit escenari amb gent com The Skatalites, Dr Ring Ding, Malarians, New York Ska Jazz Ensemble, Rico Rodriguez (on col.laboro amb Soweto en el documental "The Legacy"), Derrick Morgan, David Hillyard, Laurel Aitken entre d'altres. He gravat amb els grups Jah Stalia (Di ke Si), Paparazzi (Play again), Amusic Skazz Band (Jazzyng You), aixi com col.laboracions en les gravacions dels The Cabrians en els temes Mango Reggae, For a few pussies more i Pig Dick. COMPOSICIONS: Eclipse...Amusic Skazz Band "Amusical Fruits", Mr Versatile...Amusic Skazz Band"Jazzyng You", Hilda (dedicada a la meva cosina, ser que un dia ens trobarem alla on siguis), Sunday Reggae,, Drumming for Don, Intr's Burru Song, Blues Shuffle.
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