LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds) profile picture

LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds)

SI POTS ESCOLTAR LES LLUMS... (If you can listen the lights...)

About Me


------------ LLUMS I SONS. Fotografia i música. Les meves dos aficions que em fan sentir més viu i que m..ajuden a pintar de color els tons grisencs de la rutina. La música com a banda sonora dels meus dies i nits, com a motor per a inspirar futurs. La fotografia, com a lladre de moments que mai més serán, com a única forma d..inmortalitat. La música com a esperança i la fotografia com a reflexió. Extroversió i introversió. LLUMS I SONS. -------------- LLUMS I SONS. LIGHTS AND SOUNDS. Photography and music. My two hobbies that make me feel more alive and that helps me to paint colored shades of grey routine. The music as soundtrack of my days and nights, as an engine to inspire future. The photograph as a thief of moments that never again will be, as the only way of immortality. The music as hope and photography as reflection. Extraversion and introversion. LIGHTS AND SOUNDS. LLUMS I SONS.

My Interests

"Who?" "Little jungle (nº1) “Portaprima” "To sun" "From 1894 to 2008" “Desde sa punta” “St Felip Neri burning” “Lluc lights” “Circus” “First lights” “Life too” “Near Chamois” "Light behind"

I'd like to meet:

“Mar 1” “Borning” “Another explosion” "Sa Torre" "Car in Jail" “Susi?” “Natural abstraction” “Worlds & satellites” “Cervino” "Big Bang" “Delicate sound” “Estació de França” “She, she & he” “On the rocks” “Strange life” “To Portocristo” "Heaven and earth" “Llagrima” “To heaven” “Pareis” “Tapies” “Twin 2” " La persiana":


"Pues i cargolins" LA MEVA MUSICA (QUE ÉS DE ELLS): Lambchop, Mishima, Menomena, Antony and The Johnsons, Ola Podrida, Sigur Ros, Stereophonics, The Long Winters, Mica P. Hinson, The National, Sanjosex, Band of Horses, Emily Haines, Ladytron, Coralie Clement, Audiotransparent, Arcade Fire, Pastora, The Killers, Manu Chao, Amiina,Charlie Haden, Tunng, Band of Horses, Stars, Laura Veirs, Cat Power, Luca Mundaca, Styrofoam, Los Planetas, Tender Forever, Albert Plà, Antonia Font, Explosions In The Sky, South San Gabriel, Electric President, Radical Face, B. Fleischmann, Mum, Electrelane, The Poliphonic Spree, Bonnie Prince Billie, Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, Moby, Joanna Newsom, Tom Waits, Pastora, Kings of Convenience, The Hold Steady, Sufjan Stevens, Lou Reed, The Silencers, New Order, Pavement, Low, The Spinto Band, Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah, Peter Bjorn & John, Lali Puna, Ms. John Soda, The Poliphonic Spree, Embrace, La Rocca, Starsailor, Sometime, Aqualung, Tahin, An Explorer, Eluvium, Aqualung, William Fitzsimmons, Ladytron, Clare & The Reasons,La Estrella de David, An Explorer, Explosions in The Sky, Parachutes, The Soul..s releases, Jonston, Riceboy Sleeps, The gift, Norton i molts + ...


Lost In Translation, The life aquatic, Una historia de violencia, Gattaca, Enemigo a las Puertas, Los Miserables, Alguien voló sobre el nido del cuco, Matchpoint, Entre copas, El Padrino, Star Wars, Promesas del Este...


WHY DO WE LIKE PHOTOGRAPHY? I..m thinking in this question since I share my photos in Myspace with you and other photographers. Do you have the answer? Maybe it..s a existential question. Do we want to immortalize what is already past because our memory..s capacity is limited? Do we want express what we can not express with words? It..s an other type of an universal language?Photography makes me another person, more sensitive with my immediate surroundings. When my camera hanging from my shoulder, my vision..s mode automatically becomes another, almost obsessively, looking for new objects or new angles to photograph. Photography helps me to see the world better, it helps me to understand little things, the meaning or expressions of persons..soul.My answer is that I want to freeze the memory of the past because the present is too short. So short. It..s the only power we have on immortality. Sometimes I have to leave the camera at home for not thinking about it. But then I have the need to shoot the present.Maybe photography is an existential instinct…Have you the answer?THESE ARE THE ANSWERS THAT I..VE RECEIVED:++++De: funatichi photographer Fecha: 22 ago 2008, 11:11hello beautiful words yours! The photo gave me a lot: a vision of the world completely different from that to which I was accustomed, I see everything that surrounds me in 35mm, certainly through it I became a better person in many points of view ... I consider my encounter with photography as a kind of miracle, I have a relationship with photography very intimate. The feelings that go out when I try to make photos are indescribable ... when they are behind the goal ready to take a person become too different, as if my presence them in that particular place even if unintentionally and as if alter the scenario I am about to freeze, at the same island me, I feel like a kind of presence Parallel not fully defined within the context .... difficult for me to explain ... my relationship is a fairly intimate. then there is also the need to document, explore, investigate, and establish a relationship of indirect communication with the everyday life ... Cartier Bresson said that photograph is holding its breath when everything converges in a single direction, and put on the same line of the mind, eyes, and heart. is a way of life. Here is where we want to keep vague but at the same time we can explain it as a way of life.+++++++De: B. A. Taylor / Photography Fecha: 11 abr 2008, 12:38I agree with most of what you have said here, for me there is definitely an Existential element to my own Photography, I am always trying to catch that unguarded moment where true soul shines through and indeed if it is done correctly there will be a sadness that is directly connected to the their soul, in capturing this what I am really doing is showing the world how I actually feel it is ultimately is all about me, just like many painters and other Artists we are only trying to show people our pain....I have said too much. +++++++ De: coco52 Fecha: 11 abr 2008, 12:45 Sorry, I have not the answer. Maybe it's beautiful, it's synimous of memory. I like photography because I preserve memories and I could show places, persons through the world.++++++++ De: © GOYART Fecha: 11 abr 2008, 12:33 Hallo :) I have similar habit... - wherever I am I keep on searching for objects I think may look good in a camera eye... It's like a some kind of disorder - but quite positive cause I indeed am more able to notice things that most people simply passing by with no attention.In photography I like the ability to catch moments, objects I like to look at (windows, old buildings... etc), I like when a photograph from a simple picture can turn into a story. A story without lines but vision... I like to hear sounds, feel smells... etc, just by looking at a photo. When photography can tell stories - that's what I definitely like the most about it :)+++++++ ANNIE FOURNIER:--Why... I know exactly why I feel this urgency to take photos. It is different from you. I just need to share. Maybe to make me so like? To please. To give some emotion? For one or all these reasons. But the end remains the same. I feel a very strong need to please by sharing all these beautiful images which I see. Here is... I hope that my answer is complete.I think that it is a subject interesting to be shared... That helps to understand better...++++++++++ "Today's language is evolving from ideas expressed by words to being expressed more by pictures, graphics, and images. The human brain can decode an image and take in its emotional value faster than reading a paragraph. Visual art has more instant appeal to pull viewers in than words alone..." ROBERT MC. GEE.++++++ De: lelioz Fecha: 11 abr 2008, 13:42 My dear friend, i don't know if i have the answer, but i thing that the photography invents what it exists yet! to everyone its job: to writer the words and to photography the eyes... lelio.+++++++ De: Jose Javier Fecha: 17 abr 2008, 09:23 "En mi caso no quiero inmortalizar nada porque aunque quisiera quedaría limitado a una mísera imagen que la tendría depositada en MI ordenador o en un papel en MI casa, en la de nadie más.. y eso en el mejor de los casos. a mi me gusta poder enseñar cómo veo yo las cosas. cómo las veo en un momento que no se va a repetir casi seguro nunca más."++++++++ LUNATICAPHOTO: "Personalmente amo la fotografia porque me permite crear y expresarme...responde a mi necesitad continua y constante de comunicar con los demas...de todos los idiomas que conozco...es seguramente el mas universal! "+++++++ De: Cecilie Fecha: 16 abr 2008, 07:16 "I love photography because it is balsam for my soul, it is a whole universe of possibilities, it is like holding the universe in my hands and creating what I like to create out of it."


"And the lights went trough me" “Explosion 1” “Waterfall” “Alien” “Pretty & ugly” "Fons" “Explosion 2” “Explosion 3” “Last light” "Conflicte"


Tots els meus ascendents, per haver-me sobreviscut (All my ancestors for having survived myself).

My Blog

Guiños. Winks.

Guiños a través de la cámara. No sé cómo explicarlo. Cuando me encuentro detrás de la cámara, parece que a través del visor esté accediendo a otro mundo, a una vida paralela, que está latente y que es...
Posted by LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds) on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 01:51:00 PST

Señales. Signals.

SEÑALES (7 DE ENERO DE 2008): Mientras limpiaba la habitación del que fue mi hogar de infancia para hacer las maletas para trasladarme a mi nuevo hogar independiente, encontré una carpeta que usaba du...
Posted by LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds) on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 01:41:00 PST

What did we do the September 11, 2001?

What did we do the September 11, 2001? Usually when a tragedy happens, it is taxed us in our memories so that we remember what we were doing at that time. I recall that in the September 11, 2001 a f...
Posted by LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds) on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:19:00 PST

Story of "Who"

Me encontraba haciendo fotos del horizonte nublado de Barcelona. Las enormes nubes hacían diminutos los rascacielos que se encontraban por debajo de ellas. En una terraza de uno se esos rascacielos ...
Posted by LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds) on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 03:25:00 PST

Why do we like photography?

..TR> ..TR> ..TR> WHY DO WE LIKE PHOTOGRAPHY? I..m thinking in this question since I share my photos in Myspace with you and other photographers. Do you have the answer? Maybe it..s a existential...
Posted by LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds) on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 03:59:00 PST

Más Música que nunca (More music than ever)

MAS MUSICA Antes de internet la música estaba condenada a pasar por los filtros (comerciales) de las discográficas. Apostar por grupos alternativos era un riesgo que la mayoría de sellos no querían ...
Posted by LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds) on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 03:11:00 PST


Me encanta ir a dormir con música de fondo. Me gusta compartir un buen vino con los amigos y que se hagan las doce, la una, las dos y las tres& Pero no me gusta Sabina. ¡Qué buenas son las palomitas!...
Posted by LLUMSISONS (Lights and sounds) on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:35:00 PST